UFC Finale Tonight


Who else is gonna watch the finale tonight on Spike TV??? It should be good and Ken Shamrock is also gonna fight as well.
Amazing fights tonight.
Definitey the right guys won.
THought they were gonna call it on forest when he got his nose split up. Glad they didnt :)
that was def. the best fight ive ever seen, it was freackin awsome..did yall here that ole forest got his arm broke during one of those fights, and knocked the guy out with his other hand? lol thats crazy, awsome fight to watch, gunna be a hell of a fight next weekend to, but got to go catch the chamrock fight, later
The Shamrock fight sucked ass since Ken slipped and then got rocked.

Yeah, i heard bout Forrest beating a fighter after the guy broke his arm in an arm lock. That was awesome that both Bonnar and Griffen were given contracts.
Yea, it was a great UFC on Spike except for the Shamrock fight.

He fell twice within the first minute or two? That's a little strange, and I could not understand at all why he didn't bother to fight back, roll over, use his legs or anything. He just layed there and the guy punch him. He didn't make any move at all to get away. It was stupid as hell to watch....

Every other fight was awsome though!

Still would have liked to have seen Chris Leben in the Finals though.... I think he got screwed both times :P

And for the record I thought Forest won even though it was a pretty even match.
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So is this UFC thing going to be regularly on TV now?

It would be awsome if they had the UFC on Spike every week like WWE or something.