Umbrella Labs Review

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The world of SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) and Research chemicals have become a bigger mine field than Tinder – uuf and she stole my kidney.

There goes bodybuilding.

When it comes to ordering a quality research product, you might wanna look at Umbrella Labs.

Even though their logo screams Zombie Apocalypse, are their products any good? Let’s see and continue reading our Umbrella Labs Review.

Our Experience with Umbrella Labs We have had an exceptional experience with Umbrella Labs, The delivery process did take it’s time yes, but both the SARM (LGD 4033) and Peptide (HCG) that we ordered arrived in good condition. In the past we have had experience with companies in SARMs industry, products that arrive would be cloudy or perhaps with a broken vial But the products sold by the Umbrella company seem to be very high quality.

Who Are Umbrella Labs? Well they are not the antagonist in the popular Resident Evil series – you aren’t going to turn into a monster or a badass blonde by consuming their products – depending on what you’re into. Umbrella Labs are a Research Materials company based in Arizona that want to sell high quality SARMs and other products with transparency in the process.

While their logo might be incredibly intimidating to some, they pride themselves on manufacturing high-quality and pure products. Their products are not only tested in house but also go through third-party testing as well. This vigorous testing phase ensures the consumer gets the best SARMs and other Research materials, such as:

As you can see, the variety of products is definitely there, and combine this range with positive reviews, you’ve got a winner on your hands.

How Does Umbrella Labs Work? Like any other SARM retailer. The idea is to provide these research chemicals – that are not for human consumption – in a manner that is both accessible and transparent. It’s simply a matter of finding a good source of these products, which is exactly what Umbrella Labs aim to be.

They work by providing a massive range of products that will allow you not only to choose between different products but also different dosages as well. Having SARMs for sale is all well and easy, but providing both quantity and quality options changes the game.

Because of the nature of these products, having some forms of quality control measures is a guarantee that the products are indeed good. Umbrella Labs nicely provides Certificates Of Authenticity for all of their products.

The website is easy to navigate with plenty of options to learn about their SARMs products, and also get in touch with them through social marketing.

Best Umbrella Labs Products Umbrella Labs provides a wide array of products, but here are my three favorite ones:

#1 Best Umbrella Labs Product

YK11 SARM – 10mg/mlStarting off strong, with one of the strongest SARMs, they stock a big ‘ol dose of YK-11. Of course, YK-11 is known to decrease your levels of Myostatin, and in doing so, increases the amount of muscle you can build dramatically [1].

With a in depth breakdown on the SARM as well as that all important Certification of Analysis, you can rest assured the product is legit. Even has a few good reviews! YK-11 comes in both a 30ml and 60ml bottle.

[*]Comes in both 30 & 60ml bottles[*]Provides two formula options: Poly-Cell Formula and Polyethylene Glycol (Original)[/list][*]Other companies could be more cost effective[*]Other companies are rolling out flavored SARMs[/list] #2 Best Umbrella Labs Product


LGD-3303 SARM Powder – 1000mgSo perhaps you aren’t keen on liquid SARMs, then Umbrella Labs also offers you powdered SARMs as well, like this Ligandrol 3033. LGD 3033 is a rather new SARM, and not always easy to find.

LGD 3033 differs slightly from 4033 in that it will be better for fat loss than the latter, but Umbrella is doing a great job by providing a good quality product that is typically limited in sales online.

#3 Best Umbrella Labs Product


AOD9604 PeptideNot only does Umbrella just provide quality SARMs, but Peptides as well. Neither anabolic steroids nor SARMs, peptides have been in most peoples stacks for quite a long time. AOD9604 is a fragment of HGH that is known to be amazing for fat loss [2].

Umbrella has a large number of positive reviews on their peptides and other research projects, and AOD is no different. Not the easiest peptide to find, it’s nice to see the option available here.

Ordering and Shipping First off, they use original packaging, with no special markings. Apart from that, the ordering process is rather simple, you pick the options you want (might be able to snag yourself some discount codes if you’re lucky) and you pay. The payment method you use is up to you:

Domestic Options (US orders only)

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • MESH Network (Credit/Debit Cards)
  • Zelle
  • Apple Pay
  • Money Order
Foreign Options

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • International Wire Transfer
  • Money Order
Your order will be shipped within 24-48 hours of order receipt. They do ship to international locations, and you can rest easy that your order is tracked and insured. There are currently very few negative reviews about the shipping policy of Umbrella Labs.

Customer Reviews Despite the Umbrella Labs branding, they have remarkably good reviews online. Obviously, their site has plenty of good reviews on products, so let’s take a look at what Reddit has to say.

Reddit username Cylon357 had the following to say

“I have never had any problems with them. It has been a minute since I ordered from them, so I don’t remember the details on payment. I usually use bitcoin though. Their products that I have used seem legit and gtg to me.”

They are still a relatively new supplier of research materials, but I have not come across any reviews that claim to have meh results.

Alternatives to Umbrella Labs Umbrella Labs vs PureRawz PureRawz is a very established company in this genre of goods. Whether you’re looking for SARMs or most other research chemicals, I can almost guarantee you’ll find them at PureRawz. As a company, there isn’t a lot wrong with Umbrella Labs, and they have a wide variety of exceptional products, but if it were my money, I’d probably be more inclined to spend it at a more established retailer like PureRawz.

Umbrella Labs vs Swiss Chems Swiss Chems have been amazing to their customers for years, providing exceptional SARMs, Peptides and even supplements. Swiss Chems just slightly edge Umbrella Labs, but not because there is something wrong with the latter! Swiss Chems are just more established with more customer reviews, a few more products, and better payment gateways.

Umbrella Labs vs Behemoth Labz Personally I believe Umbrella Labs put up a great fight in this scenario. Both companies are well known and well trusted, each has their benefits. If you had to make a choice, it would not be based in quality, as both have great products. The choice will probably be made on which company will be able to give you a better price on your particular product. Behemoth Labs is still a great brand and company nonetheless.

Umbrella Labs Poly Cell Formula The Poly Cell Formula is a range of SARMs – known as compounds that bind to selective androgen receptors throughout the body. This grants them the ability to be Anabolic without having quite the same Androgenic side effects as Steroids. Let’s look at some of their positive effects:

  • The SARM RAD140 (Testolone) has been shown to increase lean body mass without increasing prostate weight [3]
  • Cardarine (A PPAR? agonist, not a SARM) has been shown to upregulate glucose metabolism, thereby helping fat loss [4]
  • LGD 4033 has been shown to increase lean body mass without increasing fat mass [5]
There are other SARMs in the Poly Cell Formula, and each has their own benefits.

Umbrella Labs MK-677 MK 677 is known as a Growth Hormone secretagogue. It will stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more Growth Hormone. This in turn will stimulate the pancreas to produce glucagon and Lipase. In response to this, the liver will dump a lot of sugar (glycogen) into the bloodstream. In response to this, the pancreas will then release insulin, and while this is all happening, the liver will also release a great amount of IGF. The MK 677 offered by Umbrella Labs will do you wonders whether your goal is fat loss or building muscle.

Is Umbrella Labs a Good Brand? Yes. While they are a newer brand, and their customer service department could use some refining, they are an exceptional brand nonetheless. If your aim is to run a successful research project, you cannot go wrong with their products.

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