I have been doing a lot of research on IGF-1 LR3 and I am kind of excited about using it. I have read, if you have not done high dosage of steroid cycling before you do not want to use IGF. I am currently in my second week of my third cycle (ever). This is the third cycle I have done (ever), the last cycle 12 weeks on 24 weeks off and now in my second week of third cycle (ever). My first cycle was about three years ago. If anyone can make any suggestion on whether or not I should try IGF now or wait, please do so. It would be greatly appreciated. Here is my current cycle, I started whinny off with sustanon 400mg so I could cut up fast. Was going to do whinny for first 4 weeks (50 mg a day) then off for 4 weeks then on for 4 weeks (50 mg a day). i am taking milk thistle for the old liver. I know some might not agree, but I had 2 friends do this with excellent results. The sustanon I am taking for 12 weeks at 250 mg twice a week. Should I cut out the second whinny and add the IGF, keep the whinny and add the IGF or forget about the IGF for now. If I do take the IGF now, how should I take it (when to start, quantity and how long). By the way, I am 38 yrs old 6'2" 210 with 19% body fat if this helps or matters. Thanks in advance for any and all advice. I hate typing so I hope this all makes since (have proof read 6 times)lol.