Unsolicited advice...


National Strongman Competitor
Any of you guys ever deal with this??

This is one of my pet peeves...Can't stand it, and for one, I never ever give unsolicited advice to anyone no matter how bad you are fucking up an exercise....I mind my own business....

Today a guy who told me he was 56...he was maybe 6'2 and 170lbs, approaches me to tell me that I should not be looking into the mirror during my shrugs. I said "thank you but I didn't ask you for your advice" trying to be firm but nice..He asks to work in to do deadlifts...so I said yes to show him I wasn't an ass...He worked up to 225lbsx 10 reps with a belt and gloves on mind you....

He dropped the weight and told me, Guys like you think you need 600lbs on a deadlift to grow..I can do 225lbs and get just the same results, its all about diet and nutrition and sleep.."

This is what he said...I literally looked around for a hidden camera, or the gym owner laughing, thought they were trying to set me up for a prank, but when nothing surfaced, I asked him to do me a favor and never ever speak to me again at the gym...

I don't understand...even after all these years, where do these people come from?? :dizzy:
Any of you guys ever deal with this??

This is one of my pet peeves...Can't stand it, and for one, I never ever give unsolicited advice to anyone no matter how bad you are fucking up an exercise....I mind my own business....

Today a guy who told me he was 56...he was maybe 6'2 and 170lbs, approaches me to tell me that I should not be looking into the mirror during my shrugs. I said "thank you but I didn't ask you for your advice" trying to be firm but nice..He asks to work in to do deadlifts...so I said yes to show him I wasn't an ass...He worked up to 225lbsx 10 reps with a belt and gloves on mind you....

He dropped the weight and told me, Guys like you think you need 600lbs on a deadlift to grow..I can do 225lbs and get just the same results, its all about diet and nutrition and sleep.."

This is what he said...I literally looked around for a hidden camera, or the gym owner laughing, thought they were trying to set me up for a prank, but when nothing surfaced, I asked him to do me a favor and never ever speak to me again at the gym...

I don't understand...even after all these years, where do these people come from?? :dizzy:

Too funny! I don't get the unsolicited advice but wife has and hates it cause with her it's usually some asshole trying to find a reason to hit on her lol
Maybe he got certified online and now he's a "guru" and you should listen... Lol. I couldn't even type that without laughing!
Any of you guys ever deal with this??

This is one of my pet peeves...Can't stand it, and for one, I never ever give unsolicited advice to anyone no matter how bad you are fucking up an exercise....I mind my own business....

Today a guy who told me he was 56...he was maybe 6'2 and 170lbs, approaches me to tell me that I should not be looking into the mirror during my shrugs. I said "thank you but I didn't ask you for your advice" trying to be firm but nice..He asks to work in to do deadlifts...so I said yes to show him I wasn't an ass...He worked up to 225lbsx 10 reps with a belt and gloves on mind you....

He dropped the weight and told me, Guys like you think you need 600lbs on a deadlift to grow..I can do 225lbs and get just the same results, its all about diet and nutrition and sleep.."

This is what he said...I literally looked around for a hidden camera, or the gym owner laughing, thought they were trying to set me up for a prank, but when nothing surfaced, I asked him to do me a favor and never ever speak to me again at the gym...

I don't understand...even after all these years, where do these people come from?? :dizzy:

This is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. People are just ridiculous. I occasionally hear people say stuff like this to other people at my gym and normally just shake my head in disgust. Sadly, He was probably just trying to impress you. LMAO. Funny enough people hardly ever talk to me at the gym. They must think I'm a complete asshole or maybe I'm just not big enough to try to impress. lol.
Damn Bro!! Lol!! I can't imagine what I would do in that situation. I'd probably just walk away speechless.. Or hand him some passes to the Gunshow held at The Dude's fairgrounds! Then ask if he wants to tri it (flex tricep) before he bis it (flex bicep) then finish up with a "BAAAAAMMMM"
LMFAO..HATE GYM GURU'S...some times i have to hold my tongue when u see some dude giving such bad advice..i just dont go there at all i just watch and hold my head in shame...dont know wat i would do in that if he did that to me mind u...
laugh/get mad/tell him to fuck off...MMMMmmmMM

some guru was giving his advice about form on the back machine he told the new kid.. dont put your chest out and keep it in so his back was arched im like WTF..i wanted to scream in his ear..
Too funny! I don't get the unsolicited advice but wife has and hates it cause with her it's usually some asshole trying to find a reason to hit on her lol

This is why my wife tells me this is why I will strat going to the gym with her. Becuz of douchbags !!! And I'm all up for it.;):D
I'm with you BS, time to be more of an ass so ppl leave me alone...

I saw this just last week, one of the bigger guys (in good shape and there for years) goes over in front of me and tells a kid with maybe 3-4 years experience that I was talking to, to stop doing tricep closegrips bc they are a waste of time...

The poor kid was looking at me to say something, so in front of the kid and the guy, I said, hey, do whatever you think works best for you..your form looks just perfect and if you want to incorporate these, then so be it...Kid lit up a smile, thanked me and laid back down and did his 185lbs close grips...guy stormed away... I can't stand gym guru's too like Charlie said...

LOL@ Dude, I was speechless...the worst part was he was wearing football gloves to deadlift in and he wears a shitty thick leather old school belt the whole workout no matter what day it is, I've seen this guy before...I would have paid to see you do the Bi/tri flex...I couldn't compose myself enough...I would have just started laughing!!

I still don't get it, I have never in all my years ever approached a single person and given them advice, nor will I.
This is something that'll never go away

Advice is like assholes, everyone has"em and they all stink (bad advice anyways)

The only time I give anyone my 2 cents is to a younger guy who has no idea what he's doing or that I see really needs it.
I can't tell you how many guys offer me TIPS weekly, like come on man, I'm 250lvs and can lift your FXCKING car!!
LOL, I get advice everyday of my life from someone. I tell people right to there faces i dont take advice. And if someone tells me how to do something i make it plane and simple " i cant follow directions" so dont bother.

Truth be told i cant follow directions and ill take advice if i respect the person.
This is something that'll never go away

Advice is like assholes, everyone has"em and they all stink (bad advice anyways)

The only time I give anyone my 2 cents is to a younger guy who has no idea what he's doing or that I see really needs it.
I can't tell you how many guys offer me TIPS weekly, like come on man, I'm 250lvs and can lift your FXCKING car!!

I agree, I would only give advice to a young person who was doing something that might likely injure them. Otherwise, I pay attention to my own training and leave everyone else to theirs.
one of my old ones is "if I do that for 6 months will I look like you?" In this case you could have added "If I diet hard I might be able
to loose 50lbs of muscle by then" What arrogance. I also like to tell the tools " you may not be much but Im sure your all you think about"
They have to think about that for a while. I usually try to say so others can hear. (yeah, Im a ass. lol)
Too funny! I see guys doing crazy stuff and I mind my own business. I was waiting on a bench this week at the gym and two guys had 115lbs on the bar. The spotter was doing all the lifting after it slammed down on his chest rep after rep. I continued to stretch and waited patiently. I am normally the biggest guy in the gym and they may have listened but I was not asked so I kept quiet.
I was watching some ass telling a kid how to hold his little finger when doing tri push downs. (or some shit like that) Guy walked away
and I told the kid "just do the exercise, everything else will fall into place." If some of these guys spent as much time working out as
they do reading about it they would be in much better shape. lol I do try to make the new fat people feel comfortable. I say hi and
tell them to just keep coming in. Then I never see them again. lol