Update Pics Posted


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Update Pics Posted 265lbs...

Just wanted to thank MMX2 for putting up my pics ...(I was having some issues, with the program)

Anyway, this is my starting prep look right now...265lbs...I think im at a good starting point for 18 weeks out...(16 weeks after christmas)...I feel pretty damn good right now...and feel confident I will be coming in pretty big this year...(well bigger, I hope..LOL)...
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MMX2, im still having issues with my attachments program on here...(when I start a new thread) Im not sure if its my computer or the site...

can you please move them into the main disscussing forum...
you look good bro, 265lbs.....your a big dude

thanks bro..Im actully kinda flat in these pics...I had been doing lower carbs for a few days, just to see how my body responded, to get an idea on how I should do my precontest prep diet...

Look for most of my pics to be posted in my log that I started...
alright, the pics are here. lol

Looking good and still lean, which im sure you like. Thats a solid 265lbs!
alright, the pics are here. lol

Looking good and still lean, which im sure you like. Thats a solid 265lbs!

thanks bro...Im not as good as you...you got some good years ahead..im just trying to hang with the young guys anymore...I would like to still bring up my arms and back/chest thickness...Im hoping to still be making improvements in my early part of my prep...
thanks bro...Im not as good as you...you got some good years ahead..im just trying to hang with the young guys anymore...I would like to still bring up my arms and back/chest thickness...Im hoping to still be making improvements in my early part of my prep...

ahhh, you just made me blush. :embarrass
You are definately a hard 265! You're looking great. Where do you think you'll end up for weigh ins?
Is it me or did you make improvements to your legs? I notice what I beelieve to be big time improvement there...
thanks guys...just trying to improve on what I have..and be safe to...its hard to do, but I'll try my best
Looking awesome, bro!

The thing with the attachments is that the system will only accept a certain size of image, and I've tried to change it, but it seems to be hard coded into the back end. You just have to make sure your images are sized down enough for the system to accept them, and they should work.
Looking awesome, bro!

The thing with the attachments is that the system will only accept a certain size of image, and I've tried to change it, but it seems to be hard coded into the back end. You just have to make sure your images are sized down enough for the system to accept them, and they should work.

I remember early on that the system used to automatically size the pics so they would meet the size criteria- I forget which version of VB it was...