Upright rows


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Yesterday both smiths were taken so I had to do these with a barbell, and didnt care for them as much.
Who uses Barbell over Smith on this exercise?

I could see the benefit bc the range of motion obviously is different, however I can tell my anatomy is by the the textbook perfect on my right shoulder and I see how my arm has to compensate on the barbell to get up the right side to match the left.
Ive been using all Smith the last year, but wish i could be doing more free weight if im being honest, and im trying to think what the upright rows smith machine even looks like,lol
you just slightly lean (I put my feet in front of my body by just a little bit ) and they work great, I never go really heavy on them, just usually a 45 on either side for 10 after ding a 25 per side and than a 35 per side
I always do them with a barbell, I've never done them on the Smith. I really don't use the Smith machine that much
I always use a barbell as well. To be honest, I don't even remember the last time I used the Smith machine.
I will occasionally use the Smith for military presses, but that's about it. Although I did use it for flat bench this week for something different and it did a good job
I like to use the smith machine for up right rows.. And sometimes I will use cables..
I've done and do both. It's all about body placement in relation to the bar. I do a wide grip. On a barbell I place my hands so that the shoulder and elbow are parallel at the top of the movement. It's the bread and butter of my shoulder training and I get up to 225lbs for 12-15. The smith machine isn't fundamentally conducive to maximum stimulation as it doesn't allow your body to follow its natural plane allowing maximum exertion. It is a nice change though.
It probably helps to switch between the smith and barbells or cables from time to time. It would hit the muscles slightly different.
I have to agree with The Dude, the smith machine for me on uprights causes me all sorts of trouble