Iron Game

Gold Member
Q: What do you think of using a mild steroid like Anavar to bridge between cycles? Is this a good idea to maintain mass between my normal cycles? If so, how much should I use?

A: There are many issues with “bridging” that should make the average person think twice about it. For starters, every anabolic steroid known to man will suppress testosterone production when used in doses sufficient to promote muscle gain. Studies have confirmed notable testosterone suppression with therapeutic doses of oxandrolone, so you are S.O.L. if a recovery bridge with Anavar is what you (like many) were hoping for. The next issue is the simple and more general fact that you are not going off steroids with a steroid bridge, and are potentially exacerbating the negative health aspects of their use, such their effects on serum lipids and cardiovascular disease risk. If you are spending your entire year going from strong cycle to lesser oral (Anavar) cycle, you are undoubtedly always going to be negatively altering your lipids (orals tend to be particularly harsh here, in fact). You may be putting yourself in some notable risk as the years progress. You need to remember that the whole point of cycling is to minimize the negative health risks of steroid use. The fact that these drugs have potential risks really cannot be disputed, just addressed intelligently. Bridging may be a very unhealthful way of sustaining these risks indefinitely, instead of mitigating them with off time. Don’t bridge with steroids!

Non-Steroidal Bridging

If you want an optimal “off cycle” program, you really should look at non-hormonal anabolic agents and/or supplements instead of anabolic steroids. For example, I know many guys that like to go off steroids and onto a cycle of Human Growth Hormone or IGF-1. Many others use this time to undertake a detailed program of dietary supplements. I’ve often recommended a 50-60 day stack of Creatine (3-5 grams per day) and Arachidonic acid (X-Factor’; 750-1000mg daily) for this purpose, which are both very effective natural muscle-building supplements. Truth be told, a number of professional athletes I know are using this combination between cycles/during testing periods right now with excellent results. Post cycle, these supplements can do an excellent job of helping you maintain the hard work you’ve put into your physique while on cycle. They also make an excellent non-hormonal anabolic stack in general.

A branched chain amino acid (BCAA) product might not hurt during your off-cycle time either, as recovery may be slowed compared to what you were used to on-cycle. It should help you recover faster and get more out of your workouts. A fish oil supplement might also be a good idea to help balance your lipid and triglyceride levels, which remember were likely altered for the negative during your steroid cycles. Off-cycle may also be a good time to invest in some of the other general health promoting vitamins and herbs etc. that may be fond of taking. The bottom line is, your off time is supposed to be “off time” for a reason. This is the time to let your body get back to its natural state of hormonal balance, and for you to enjoy a period where you are not using steroids and perhaps placing certain strains on your health. Take advantage of this time and use it for what its worth – keeping you healthy and happy.
anavar bridge aint a bad idea, i know some guys who bridge between cycles with igf and anavar and look as though they never lost anything aside from strength
var does suppress the hpta somewhat though.. i wouldn't do it personally..

and ive ran var with my cycle at 8 weeks 60mg ed with my liver values just going above normal.. i dont think its a huge concern..

personally i think igf is the best bridging you can do
var does suppress the hpta somewhat though.. i wouldn't do it personally..

and ive ran var with my cycle at 8 weeks 60mg ed with my liver values just going above normal.. i dont think its a huge concern..

personally i think igf is the best bridging you can do
I'm with you on the IGF
I wouldn't spend the money on Var Just to try to maintain gains. It's still going inhibit your normal production... just do 100 - 200mg of test a week and call it good. If you are "bridging" accept the you can't maintain the muscle you want to carry naturally. With an insurance carrier that covers HRT a bottle of test is like $10... and it's not too much more than that from some of the quality UGL's. If you want to carry supraphysiological amounts of muscle you need to take supraphysiological amounts of hormones constantly. Theres no mystery or magic to it. If you can't maintain what you have on just IGF and SARMS then you're probably doing something wrong... or youre cock diesel and aren't interested in bridging or your natural levels.
I wouldn't spend the money on Var Just to try to maintain gains. It's still going inhibit your normal production... just do 100 - 200mg of test a week and call it good. If you are "bridging" accept the you can't maintain the muscle you want to carry naturally. With an insurance carrier that covers HRT a bottle of test is like $10... and it's not too much more than that from some of the quality UGL's. If you want to carry supraphysiological amounts of muscle you need to take supraphysiological amounts of hormones constantly. Theres no mystery or magic to it. If you can't maintain what you have on just IGF and SARMS then you're probably doing something wrong... or youre cock diesel and aren't interested in bridging or your natural levels.
Very good points
How bout just come off completely and stay clean for the exact amount of time you were on???

This whole blast and cruise, bridging is all unhealthy bro science bullshit in my opinion.

Stay healthy fellas, give you hpta, cns, muscles and joint a wrest. Clean out and then hit it again.

Any one know of the amount of bodybuilders that have died the past year or two?? Too many, too young.
Therapeutic use of anavar (5 to 10 mg/ day) don't interact with hpta and can be use to bridge. Don't forget what is use for : muscles wasting diseases!
Iron-game u are one of the most educated guys I know and respect when it comes to hear u know ur body and ur gear I thinks it's a great idea and somthing I would do myself buddy go for it my freind
How bout just come off completely and stay clean for the exact amount of time you were on???

This whole blast and cruise, bridging is all unhealthy bro science bullshit in my opinion.

Stay healthy fellas, give you hpta, cns, muscles and joint a wrest. Clean out and then hit it again.

Any one know of the amount of bodybuilders that have died the past year or two?? Too many, too young.

did something happen to you? i remember you posting about huge amounts of gear in your never ending cycles.did you get a health scare that has led you advise like this more cautiously ?