using sustanon and tbol together


New member
looking to do a nice light cycle nothing too drastic I don’t want my co-workers to suspect I’m on anything.
My plan is sustanon 500mgs a week
tbol 40mgs a day
12 weeks perhaps, or I could push it to 16 weeks what do you think?
I’m 25 years old and this will be my first cycle so I’m really excited and I’m 218 pounds and six foot four
I would hold off a few more years.. at 25 years old, you are still too young to use steroids.. nothing good will come of it... sarms or peptides would be what to look at but certainly not steroids
looking to do a nice light cycle nothing too drastic I don’t want my co-workers to suspect I’m on anything.
My plan is sustanon 500mgs a week
tbol 40mgs a day
12 weeks perhaps, or I could push it to 16 weeks what do you think?
I’m 25 years old and this will be my first cycle so I’m really excited and I’m 218 pounds and six foot four
tbol too high at your age 20mgs is fine
with 250mgs sustanon
add aromasin and n2guard daily