using sustanon with equpoise


New member
I’m 27 years old and pretty strong for my age
I’m looking to use sustanon with equipoise. The dose I want to use is 250mgs of sustanon and 300mgs of EQ together.
Its gonna be 12 weeks.
My question is halfway through should I consider increasing the dosing on either steroid or should I just keep it the same and see how I do?
I’m five foot 11 216 pounds and I would like to gain some mild bulk.
I’m 27 years old and pretty strong for my age
I’m looking to use sustanon with equipoise. The dose I want to use is 250mgs of sustanon and 300mgs of EQ together.
Its gonna be 12 weeks.
My question is halfway through should I consider increasing the dosing on either steroid or should I just keep it the same and see how I do?
I’m five foot 11 216 pounds and I would like to gain some mild bulk.
250mgs sustanon is good

but eq start 300mgs? you should have done 200mgs

you can bump the sust to 500mgs imo
I’m 27 years old and pretty strong for my age
I’m looking to use sustanon with equipoise. The dose I want to use is 250mgs of sustanon and 300mgs of EQ together.
Its gonna be 12 weeks.
My question is halfway through should I consider increasing the dosing on either steroid or should I just keep it the same and see how I do?
I’m five foot 11 216 pounds and I would like to gain some mild bulk.
Post some numbers
I never recommend changing doses during a cycle. The esters taper up and down for you already. You only risk sending hormones on a roller coaster by changing doses.