Very advanced Cycle question here PLEASE INPUT IF YOU CAN


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
OK the rundown-
My kidneys are spilling protein, just got an ultrasound today, next will be a kidney biopsy. (huge ass needle through my back into my kidneys)

Steroid usage for long periods leads to ----Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a cause of nephrotic syndrome in children and adolescents, as well as an important cause of kidney failure,,,,,

So I would like to know which things we would have options with. Like I stated I think a low Primo (200/wk) with a possibly lower T level a week may work. Maybe throw in some light var too.

Now I know everyone will say t this dose it does nothing, and well thats just wrong. Therapeutic levels is what I am looking for, not body building. I need to rectify this for real, this can be a very serious matter in the next couple year for me, so anyone w experience, or knowledge please pleeeease join in on this.
Hmmm. It's easy for your kidneys to spill protien. Even natty just by working out and increase protien intake. That's why I always preach moderate protien consumption. Complex carbs is where this game is at. High blood pressure is culprit also. All this can be fix by simply control protien, blood pressure, and high water in take

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Kidney damage for uou metal I don't see it. You been running high blood pressure for years?? Or orals non stop for years? No need for biopsies
I've been spilling protein for years says the doctor. They just tell me to keep an eye on it lol whatever that means.
I have been running high blood pressure for years, and my protein level in urine is 3.8.
All the stuff that I have tried to control my bp with hasn't worked, my diet is pretty clean and my cholesterol is terrible, not matching what I eat by a long shot. The doctor said that part of the body spilling protein is creating high LDL.... I don't know this shit is crazy..
Wow you must have a pre disposition for that. I'd say don't take any supplements at all. Go on a vegan diet and drink plan water and run run run and take niacin forever!!! Or keep doing what your doi ng and die at 30.

Good luck brother. Kidneys are silent killer. Watch your 6
Wow you must have a pre disposition for that. I'd say don't take any supplements at all. Go on a vegan diet and drink plan water and run run run and take niacin forever!!! Or keep doing what your doi ng and die at 30.

Good luck brother. Kidneys are silent killer. Watch your 6

The crazy thing is I have been drinking at least 1 gallon of water a day for about 8 months constant, and on and off before that ya know. It's like how much water can I intake and work at a Hospital at the same time. I already literally piss about a dozen times on a shift (10 hours) and every night I piss 3-9 times, not shitting you. So I know I need to do better obviously, but it's very hard to cope with this. I have lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks, which I was already cutting down for jiu jitsu, but once I found this stuff out the other pounds came off too