Vitamin B12 shots


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Hey guys , who's got any knowledge on taking these?- (B-12 shots)....anybody use it?results??Just wanting to see what users have experienced... Energy ? Or is this some junk? I know the pills aren't assimilated the same and there useless ..!! - sorry if this in the wrong forum...

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I have taken B-12 for energy with good results ...Had to stop recently due to high hematocrit levels from test and deca as B 12 will raise this also ... Be sure and get from a good source as some is better than others... We had a board sponsor on here that had very good B 12 ... They are still around just not a sponsor on here anymore
Thanks brothers... I know it's legit.. I'll give it a run.. how much were you doing? Once daily? Thanks for the replies...

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I used b-12 in pill form, 1000 mcg a day, timed release. I didn't see any effect on energy levels. I also used Siberian ginseng. I didn't notice much increase in energy in that either. The only thing that gives me energy is caffeine. You can drink several cups of coffee a day with no bad effects. It actually may stop some cancers like colon cancer. You do have to recover completely from an intense workout before you get your energy levels back.
Man, don't I know... caffeine works the best! - I take a BP Med now that doesn't allow those receptors to take it in!! I can gulp a pre workout scoop w/water and feel NOTHING( there's a name for it - beta blocker I that's why I'm looking for alternative routes for energy..appreciate any replies!!

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Ive tried them a few different times. Didnt do crap for me. I tried some from online sources. But then i found that alkost all "weightloss centers" have them all over town. And you can basically walk in and say you want a b12 shot..most are about $20/ea which isnt bad just to try out. There are different mixes tho. Maybe call a couple and find one that has b12 MIC supposedly that a good mix of...something..hehe.. some will have a shitload of different vitamin B's.. i keep reading if you are not low on b12 you will not feel anything becuase your body gets rid of excess b12.. but i would try it anyways just to see..its cheap and it wont hurt you
Thanks Shredhead,do you remember the amount you got?am I doing a couple mcgs on a slin pin ? I'm guessing by my bottle , the shot is fairly small.. any idea?

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Hmmm i think .15mL pretty small.. not 100% sure tho. If you do to much your body will get rid of it..its pretty safe.. but i wouldnt do like 10 times what they recommend or anything hehe
It all depends if the shot is water based or oil based for how often you need it.

I went the cheap india water based route, doesn't do much for me.............know I only use it once in a blue moon when I drink............I take a shot before I go to bed and after I wake up hangover...........then again my stuff have all the B vitamins in it not just B12.
Interesting.. yea I gotta check what mine is... hangover remedy.....hmmm- thanks Yellow Snow.

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This maybe urban legend, but I have sucessfully taking B complex vitamins before bed ( and as much water as possible) to eliminate hangovers for years ( the real problem is you have to remember to do this, good luck).

I used to home brew my own beer and one of the secrets most people don't know is that you can drink a case of home brew and never get a hangover. As I did more research come to find out that when you bottle beer you have natural yeast that settles at the bottom (I can get into this if someone really wants to know or just google 'bottle conditioned beer')..............So the legend is that when you urinate you loose a certain B vitamin ( can't remember which one it is, so I get the B complex which has them all) and that is part of the reason ( along with dehydration) why you get a hangover............Guess what the yeast at the bottom of all homebrew bottles is loaded with................yup you guessed it B vitamins. So everytime you Pee the B vitamin out you are replacing it with B vitamin rich yeast from the next bottle.

That is why you can drink homebrew and never get a hangover!! Little know fact Normie.
Hey guys , who's got any knowledge on taking these?- (B-12 shots)....anybody use it?results??Just wanting to see what users have experienced... Energy ? Or is this some junk? I know the pills aren't assimilated the same and there useless ..!! - sorry if this in the wrong forum...

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IDK MAN, I used b12 shots, it was red liquid, water based, and sometimes I thought maybe I might feel a lil energy, and other times I thought I didnt feel shit, and again other times I thought I got a bunch of energy from them lmao, so I honestly am not sure , but I kept taking it all until it was gone, lol