Waffles vs. Pancakes

thats a tough one but leggo my eggo too. french toast is in the conversation too
waffles , pancakes suck ass! My wife makes Protien waffles on Sundays for the week ahead, by the end of the night she has stacks and stacks of dozens of these damn things ready to go and packages in baggys for each day of the week,lol, they taste pretty good
waffles , pancakes suck ass! My wife makes Protien waffles on Sundays for the week ahead, by the end of the night she has stacks and stacks of dozens of these damn things ready to go and packages in baggys for each day of the week,lol, they taste pretty good

Does she let you have a snack pack in your lunch box to. haha
Does she let you have a snack pack in your lunch box to. haha

lmao, yeah she does actualy, she packs me a nice zipper bag as well and she puts sugar in mine though,lol, cause hers are bland as FUCK AND I MEAN BLAND!!!!!!

and no i dont have a little tin smurfs lunch box
Pancakes....only crappy thing is they soak up butter whereas waffles have a bunch of little "butter holders".....but pancakes win out because of their "stackability".....pancake, syrup, butter, repeat 2 more times for teh

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Pancakes....only crappy thing is they soak up butter whereas waffles have a bunch of little "butter holders".....but pancakes win out because of their "stackability".....pancake, syrup, butter, repeat 2 more times for teh

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hell yeah bro, its about the stacking for sure! If you want to be a REAL fat-ass, you grab a 6 in deep, large bowl, and put in 1 pancake (blueberry), then top with wildberry cheesecake ice cream, and syrup, and repeat till the bowl is full. Its in layers, and if you do it when the pancakes are hot as hell, all the ice cream melts and life is Gooooood!!:thumbsup:
Pancakes baby!!!

hell yeah bro, its about the stacking for sure! If you want to be a REAL fat-ass, you grab a 6 in deep, large bowl, and put in 1 pancake (blueberry), then top with wildberry cheesecake ice cream, and syrup, and repeat till the bowl is full. Its in layers, and if you do it when the pancakes are hot as hell, all the ice cream melts and life is Gooooood!!:thumbsup:

That sounds so nasty lol sorry to knock it but I guess were all different