waited 2 months for this

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My gf gets in town tomorrow morning, so you guys have fun for a week. I know I will. :D
Keep an eye on things, I don't want to find a big mess when I get back. LOL (the kittens are safe for a while) ;)
I killed 4 kittens the other day.......check my avatar out and you'll see the inner crisis and turmoil I'm experiencing
Yeah the distance thing sucks, she's planning on moving here this summer some time. I guess it means we like each other if we are willing to go through this.
Bigshug, isn't 4 kittens a bit much if you are trying tp protect them? Oh well, they're only kittens, not like they won't make more. LOL (jk)
Have fun this weekend, badger! I know you've earned it! :D

As for the kittens, 2 a day is my current limit (although sometimes I consider 3) - any more and I'd need to start wearing gloves in the gym first.

But that makes me think of a good bumper sticker idea: Spay or Neuter your cat - or start masturbating!
Al, in another post you said you feel like you peaked and the libido might be a little less. Now we hear that you are killing 2 or 3 kitties a day.
I'm thinking Sam's Club is out of paper towels in your area. :)

Thanks Bro, I'm so looking forward to this. She's a great person. Met her at the same time as my ex. They went to high school together in fact. I wonder what a shrink would think of this, getting after the girls I dug when I was 15... Am I sick?
A friend once said to me, and this is an old Italian saying. "Never reheat old soup." Don't know how true it is. I married my high school sweetheart after three years of seperation. Good luck dude. Make sure it's what you want, and it's yours!
Just dropped her off at the airport. Had a great week. We're going ahead with plans for her to move here, and are looking to buy a place sometime next fall. It has given me pause to think, as this is the same situation I was in 3 years ago. I moved to another state to be with an old flame. Didn't work out, and this woman I also knew at the same time, like when we were 15 years old. I don't see the same red flags that were there before, so I'm trying to keep a level head while I'm having a wonderful time. So far so good.
Ok, so check this out. We went to Door County, a scinic vacation spot. We stayed at a bed and breakfast place. (very foo-foo kind of place). On the morning we checked out, I burned a healthy mule. (had a big dinner the night before). I flushed a couple times, but it was hopeless, so I just checked us out and left. I can imagine what the person thought when they went to clean the room. I guess at least I'm eating big. :D
Good to be back on the board, hope every body's been well.
Great to hear, Badgermoon! I was thinking about you and hoping things were going well for you!
LOL. No, my ex contacted me. I contacted this one. Just looked up her number on the net and called... I didn't know what to expect, but she was very glad to hear from me.
Thanks Sachet.
Been reading the thread about where to take a honeymoon with interest. Turns out my gf is of Greek decent, and was born in Greece. Her father was stationed there with the State dept. I'd like to go there with her some day.
What really strikes me is this is the same situation I was in with my ex, just reversed. I went there, Christine is comming here. At least I can appreciate what it means to uproot and move.

God Bless our troops
Greece does look like a grrreat place to visit!
The food mMmm!
I like the virtual tours some websites have of different countries.

Well, distance shouldn't stand in the way of love *winks*
I have 'roots' here in jersey, but I wouldn't think twice about leaving.. once my education was finished.
I'm pretty sure I could be happy anywhere :)

She must care for you quite a bit to be with you..
You'll hafta make sure you put her in situations where she's able to make girliefriends too.
thanks guys. Rest assured that I will do everything I can to help her feel at home and happy to be here. She won't ever think that the effort made to move here is unappreciated. I know how that feels.. won't do it to someone.
bro.. i moved to be w/ sasha.. and ya know what.. if someone truely wants to come back.. no matter what... she'll appreciate it bro.. glad things are going well w/ you