Wayyyyy OFF topic--- SCI-FI shiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhttt


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Do you think there is any chance of UFO's?

IF not

Do you think Time travel will ever be possible?

(Keep in mind that if you told your Dad or Grandpa 50 years ago- Pointing at a rotary phone, that in half a century we would watch people get fucked on phones, how would they have reacted)
I think we.are not alone in this big universe why would God create such a huge universe if we were his only creations. And time.travel I can see that being possible one day hell we are making progress in nanotechnology everyday now so who knows what else could be possible in the future
To assume that we are the only life in all existence is very closed minded. Time travel maybe, but it could cause so much chaos that I am not sure it is worth it.
you know what's weird? No one could have imagined cell phones, computers, or microwaves back then but everyone thought we'd be flying around in cars and going to the moon on a regular basis by now. who the hell knows.
So my questions are bc I feel like if you doubt that if we live as a species for let's say another 10,000 years and time travel is impossible, you're pretty far from reality.

If you think UFO's are only aliens but can't be someone (people) from any point in the future, to me that's crazy. But maybe they're only from another place, and maybe they don't exist.

- - - Updated - - -

This is more a in person debate but love ya guys here so we can have the back and forth. In other news Presser was anally probed just 8 years ago, but that's bc he paid me to do it, I mean a guy to do it. Mexican. Loud noise. the letter 2. Nothing.
this presser guy sounds like a real gem lmao

and I believe in UFO and Aliens and all that stuff! Just wait until Quantum Computers get going. Quantum physics is incredible, and the fact that the observer changes the outcome of the experiment and how they've already discovered the same particle can occupy two separate areas no matter how far apart and an act on one will act on the other even if light years away, well that my friends is where time travel will evolve from in my opinion! I absolutely LOVE this stuff! Science and History channels are all we watch aside from news
Okay, here's a brain twister for you.. for those of you who believe in God, He knows all past, present, and future, right? Because of that, I think that time only exists like this for us as mortals so when we die, we already have access to past, present, and future. Quantum physics dictates that we don't know the state of a closed system--think a cat inside a box, we don't know whether it's alive or dead. But God would know. There would actually be no quantum level outside of our mortality. That would change the way we apply current physics because the state of things would always be known. So, even though WE don't know the state, what if we treated it like we did know. Would that open up possibilities that we have not thought of before?

As for UFOs, I saw one with my sister one night years back while we were watching stars from the roof of the house. It was a pretty clear night, and we noticed a small black triangle that was silently gliding far above us in the sky. I asked my sister if she was seeing what I was seeing, and she said she did. There was no noise at all, but it blocked out the stars where it was gliding which was the only way we were seeing it. It went slowly over us then suddenly sped up super fast, and it was gone. We looked at each other in amazement asking each other, did we really see what we just saw? I personally think they are government craft out there, and they cover it up.

OK, I've been eating too much Halloween candy, I'll stop now.
Presser I watch all the documentaries I can, but I have been trying to stay far away from the news this year, well as much as possible anyways.
On the Rogan podcast they were saying how atoms were being observed and they were disappearing and reappearing in a recent study, not explainable at this point!
Totally possible there's life on other planets out there, somewhere. Much less of a possibility that they have the ability or the interest to come over here and fuck with us haha

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Presser I watch all the documentaries I can, but I have been trying to stay far away from the news this year, well as much as possible anyways.
On the Rogan podcast they were saying how atoms were being observed and they were disappearing and reappearing in a recent study, not explainable at this point!

I try to stay away from the news also. They only tell you want they want you to hear. There are 6 huge corporations that control all of the news , cable and movie studios. These are Comcast, The Walt Disney co., News corp., Time Warner, Viacom and CBS corp. Everything you see and hear on the media is controlled by the executives of these big corporations. We are programmed by them. Their propaganda machine is far more effective than the Nazi propaganda machine of WWll.

In regard to the comment about atoms disappearing, scientists have discovered that the electrons around the protons do not revolve around the protons but appear and re-appear at the other side. Scientists have successfully transferred an electron in a lab in Austria to a lab in Italy. Just like on the Star Trek series. An electron has a minute amount of mass so something solid was transferred.