Webb Simpson upstaged by birdman


New member
Im sure everyone has seen it by now. Bob Costas is talking with Webb Simpson and this doucher jumps in front of the camera and starts calling peacocks. What a classless scum bag! That was a once in a lifetime achievement that required a level of dedication that few ppl have. Only to be upstaged by this fuck. Now he's famous for it.

The "birdman" was trying to bring awareness for trees or animals or some shit. He should have got his ass whipped on the spot. Then I'd like to also suggest 6 California condors be murdered with a 9 iron and a redwood or 2 be chopped down in honor of "birdmans" ignorance.

Congrats to Webb Simpson! Some of us still have respect for athletes! We understand it's more than a paycheck. It's about pride and competing and bettering yourself.