If your getting shin splints try couch25k running program. There is a free app for your phone. Run outside, not on treadmill if you can. Running on a treadmill does not require you to propel yourself forward. I don't recommend full out jogging because it will feel miserable.
You start with 5 minute brisk walk, then for 20 minutes it will have you jog for lets say, 60 seconds, walk for 60 seconds., then end with 5 minute walk cool down.
Over the weeks your jog time increases and walk time decreases.
Do this after waking up, and taking a scoop of very low carb protein powder with some water.
You can set your jogging pace to up the intensity of your run. Jog faster or slower depending on how you feel.
Understand it is a lifestyle change bro. Consistency is key. I know I sound like Captain Obvious.... but it is most peoples downfall.
Don't drunk soda and juices, or high carb drinks. Drink water with some flavor squirt, maybe some diet coke if needed.
The main source of meat was ground turkey 90/10.
I ate this with jasmine rice, yes... that is a white rice.
Your activity level will dictate your diet as well.
Testosterone and other AAS are not magic. Well, Tren is witchcraft... lol.
I was 23% and got down to 14% in 4 months(16 wk blast) However, I ran high test at 1 gram/wk. Low dose Tren A@ 40mg ED last 8 weeks. High test with small calorie deficit, and Tren to spare muscle tissue somewhat... worked like a charm.
Those are higher dosages.
Higher doses require that you feed more.
A higher metabolic rate.
You can do it with high test alone because I was already shedding fat significantly with just high test alone.
I was taking 12mg Aromasin EOD.
As far as training. Mountain Dog Taskmaster 2.0 is what I used. I would just repeat the arm block.
Higher frequency. I modified it. No days off.
Modified Mountain Dog 2.0 Taskmaster Program Arm Block:
Monday: Bicep Tricep Calves
Tuesday: Light leg day(supposed to be off day) with some rear delts and side laterals supersets
Wedn: Back Bicep Abs
Thurs:Chest Shoulder Triceps
Fri: Legs Calves
Sat: Bicep Tricep Abs superset with pullups and bodyweight rows
Sun: Shoulders Traps Rear Delts Calves
This trains Biceps, Triceps 3 times per week.
Legs Twice a week as opposed to one.
Back twice as opposed to one
Shoulders Twice as opposed to one