Welcome Obamacare. I got dropped

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
With the New Year comes new insurance payment schedules based on Obamacare garbage. Long story short is that insurance companies pay Dr's less and charge us more (my premiums went up 15%). Just got a call from my Dr today who is a good friend and said that he can no longer afford to take my insurance. I got fucking dropped thanks to Obamacare.
I've been trying to limit my negative comments about the state of things, but this is a huge setback for me. This guy has been my Dr for 7 years and when my employee changed from Cigna to United it was a huge cut in pay to my Dr, but he still took me as a favor. Under the new Obamacare rates the pay for him dropped by nearly half. Yet if I even could stop paying for insurance (which I can't) I would get hit with a huge penalty by Obama on my taxes. I could easily order my meds online and really don't have that much need for insurance now.
With the New Year comes new insurance payment schedules based on Obamacare garbage. Long story short is that insurance companies pay Dr's less and charge us more (my premiums went up 15%). Just got a call from my Dr today who is a good friend and said that he can no longer afford to take my insurance. I got fucking dropped thanks to Obamacare.
I've been trying to limit my negative comments about the state of things, but this is a huge setback for me. This guy has been my Dr for 7 years and when my employee changed from Cigna to United it was a huge cut in pay to my Dr, but he still took me as a favor. Under the new Obamacare rates the pay for him dropped by nearly half. Yet if I even could stop paying for insurance (which I can't) I would get hit with a huge penalty by Obama on my taxes. I could easily order my meds online and really don't have that much need for insurance now.

That sucks! I've had Aetna, blue cross, and now AmeriHealth In the last 4 years , it's always changing and then I need to find new doctors in network and such, it all sucks bro! You can always pay ur doc cash since he doesn't take ur insurance now
That sucks. I'm getting comfortable with my doctor and like him. I'd be pissed if I got dropped.
I'm trying to get a hold of him and see if I can pay cash in addition to insurance?
my insurance (thru my union) went up 24%. Not 5, not 10, but 24 PERCENT!! This
was right after Pelosi said how great Obmacare was and peoples rated might even
come down. If it wasnt hitting my pocket book so bad it would be funny.
i think obama is single-handedly ruining the american medical health care system.

they also want to do something called patient outcomes to determine the amount of money paid to providers.
if someone doesnt give a shit about themselves theres nothing you can do to help that.
i think obama is single-handedly ruining the american medical health care system.

they also want to do something called patient outcomes to determine the amount of money paid to providers.
if someone doesnt give a shit about themselves theres nothing you can do to help that.

Year over year medical costs are going to rise and eventually the only ones that have it are the ones that pay nothing into the system and get free care anyways. Might as well just switch it over to socialist care at this point and help everyone out instead of the bottom feeders.
Year over year medical costs are going to rise and eventually the only ones that have it are the ones that pay nothing into the system and get free care anyways. Might as well just switch it over to socialist care at this point and help everyone out instead of the bottom feeders.

it's an open invitation to come here illegally...
Year over year medical costs are going to rise and eventually the only ones that have it are the ones that pay nothing into the system and get free care anyways. Might as well just switch it over to socialist care at this point and help everyone out instead of the bottom feeders.

that's been the goal all along, get everyone dependent one way or another on the system and then they have complete control

it's called National Socialism AKA Nazism

same thing happened in WW2

welcome to the USSA
the unions and everyone else got lied to and were told that if you already have insurance that you can keep it and Odumbo care will not effect you...

this is how they got votes through their lies...you think any of the union members or otherwise would have voted for him if they would have known they were going to get the shaft???

anyone surprised???
that's been the goal all along, get everyone dependent one way or another on the system and then they have complete control

it's called National Socialism AKA Nazism

same thing happened in WW2

welcome to the USSA

You hit the nail on the head brother!
I'm in the union at work and luckily my insurance is paid by the company because I'm still part time, but the full time workers pay for insurance through the union. Our contract is up in August so I can expect some changes and probably drastic ones, but if it stays the same, I may never go full time. This shit is crazy
I'm in the union at work and luckily my insurance is paid by the company because I'm still part time, but the full time workers pay for insurance through the union. Our contract is up in August so I can expect some changes and probably drastic ones, but if it stays the same, I may never go full time. This shit is crazy

you can bet that you will see changes in almost all forms of health insurance...the thinking now is "why should we have to pay for the bills 100% when there's Obama care. Let the tax payers help out-that's what it's there for."

that'll lead to people in the medical industry not getting paid as much, Obama has already talked about this...putting a limit on what the medical providers can charge
i will say this, i cant stand obama or what obama care is going going to do

but i just got denied for health care coverage based on a congenital birth defect the cardiologist said is not worth mentioning (but of course he put it in his report) and an athletic heart (aka left ventricular hypertrophy).

at least i can get insuarance when the insuarance companies have to take me and cant just deny me.
you can bet that you will see changes in almost all forms of health insurance...the thinking now is "why should we have to pay for the bills 100% when there's Obama care. Let the tax payers help out-that's what it's there for."

that'll lead to people in the medical industry not getting paid as much, Obama has already talked about this...putting a limit on what the medical providers can charge

Yea, the good thing is that the union is supposedly really fighting the company on the insurance deal. They've given the company until March 31 to strike a deal otherwise there will be no more talking until the current contract expires in August. So I can foresee a strike or shitty healthcare because I'd almost bet my year salary thst it won't be the same
i will say this, i cant stand obama or what obama care is going going to do

but i just got denied for health care coverage based on a congenital birth defect the cardiologist said is not worth mentioning (but of course he put it in his report) and an athletic heart (aka left ventricular hypertrophy).

at least i can get insuarance when the insuarance companies have to take me and cant just deny me.

that's the same boat that I'm in-I, also, have left ventricular hypertrophy...most endurance or weight training athletes do

any reason that an insurance company can find to deny you they will

over 65% of all bankruptcies in the US are due to medical bills...and who takes over the houses? the big banks...and who runs the government? the big banks...

I guess owning 98% of all the world's wealth is not enough, they want it all

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Yea, the good thing is that the union is supposedly really fighting the company on the insurance deal. They've given the company until March 31 to strike a deal otherwise there will be no more talking until the current contract expires in August. So I can foresee a strike or shitty healthcare because I'd almost bet my year salary thst it won't be the same

well look at the bright side of things at least they raised your income tax and capital gains tax, now they are talking of a raise on sales tax again AND starting talks of the carbon tax again