Went to a pentecostal church :/


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I dont mean to offend anyone, however this Church seemed very weird to me. It had a cult-like feeling to it as well as a phoney type of feeling. I appreciate people worshiping the Lord but saying "amen" as if it represents a period, or question mark is odd, as well as having kids win trophies and medals for participation. I want to here versus be explained thru someones interpretation, which only made up about 20% of the service.

It was also stated that smoking and drinking is evil. Really? bc I thought to celebrate the last supper involves wine and bread only.....

Cheesy songs everyone sung to and everything else was pretty odd to say the least.
I grew up going to an Orthodox Church so maybe thats why all this seemed to be goofy to me, dunno
It's different for sure, not for everyone. As for smoking and drinking. I think that drinking is one thing, but getting hammered drunk is another. Moderation in everything. I don't think it's a sin to have a glass of wine with dinner or have a few beers while you watch the game with some friends, but it's another story to go out to the club and have 15 shots, puke in the bathroom and black out.

I think that everyone experiences God and worships him differently though, so who I am to say if they are right or wrong.
I agree. Drinking is very debatable and I don't like preachers giving opinion rather than scripture. If you think something is bad that's fine, but don't preach it from the pulpit, unless it is scripture.
i don't care if i offend anyone but ALL CHURCHES ARE CULTS by definition.....they recruit, try to beat their beliefs into you, ask for money, and have more scandals than politicians.......once they finally realize that god is really the aliens and jesus was gay and that when you pray, you're simply telling yourself "i think i can, i think i can" (good kids book The Little Train That Could)...
Hahaha, so you believe in aliens, but not God? And you don't like people to "beat their beliefs into you", yet you make posts like this? You try to press your religious views on the members of this board more than anyone, Irish.
shit I think I started another raw ass debate hahaha, got like 300 views on the political one, lets see where this goes lol
i don't care if i offend anyone but ALL CHURCHES ARE CULTS by definition.....they recruit, try to beat their beliefs into you, ask for money, and have more scandals than politicians.......once they finally realize that god is really the aliens and jesus was gay and that when you pray, you're simply telling yourself "i think i can, i think i can" (good kids book The Little Train That Could)...

You have the right to believe what you want but please be respectful of others' beliefs as well. There is no reason to say something that is blatantly offensive. There is this thing called tact.
all the world's current problems i blame on rap music.....similar to the six degrees of Kevin Bacon
F tha police coming straight from the underground!
I was going to a pentecostal church for a while and I must say that it is definitely NOT for everyone. Pentecostals are really passionate about their beliefs that's foe sure. I've been struggling to set foot back into my church though.. its been probably 6 months now.