went to Costco for the first time...


National Strongman Competitor
Reminded me of WalMart, maybe less luxurious (being sarcastic)

They had trailers for bathrooms outside, and alot of people wearing hunting clothes and wearing camouflage inside. The shopping carts were like double sized and the majority of the people there were triple sized. Feel bad being judgemental, but the first thing I thought was these bastards don't need deals and discounts on bulk quantity of foods.

Felt out of element.

Anyways, so I got 7.5 dozen of eggs (90 of them) for $9 dollars which I was happy with.

I saw 30 chicken legs, not big ones, for 9 dollars and change, which is about what my local grocery store costs. those were the only 2 things that stood out.

I was not impressed. Feel like maybe I missed all the great things I hear about this place all the time, because in my experience it sucked.

Does anyone else go there? And if so, what for?
Yep I get my eggs there along with 10lb bag of chicken breast and Alaskan salmon.
i go to sams and get 6lb bags of chicken, salmon, pnut butter, and pretty much all houeshold things like dishsoap.

and your right i was in their a few weeks ago and thought damn is everyone fat in this place.
I go there to buy stuff that won't go bad in bulk, like trash bags, paper towels, etc

canned foods for prepping in case of a disaster isn't a bad idea, canned food usually will hold for about 8 years or so
I go once per month when they send you the coupon book. I get the essentials: TP, papertowells, milk, bread, coffee, beef, chicken, eggs, trash bags, butter and even some t-shirts and socks. Movies are always $2 cheaper than Walmart.
Im frugal and check Costcos prices against other stores. If you use the coupon book, it really saves on the essentials. Oh, like wash machine soap and more. Also, if you have an American Express card, then 2% goes back to you,, So I used to get a nice check every year just for using them. It depends brutha, on your shopping needs. I have kids so I use a ton of some things.
I go once per month when they send you the coupon book. I get the essentials: TP, papertowells, milk, bread, coffee, beef, chicken, eggs, trash bags, butter and even some t-shirts and socks. Movies are always $2 cheaper than Walmart.
Im frugal and check Costcos prices against other stores. If you use the coupon book, it really saves on the essentials. Oh, like wash machine soap and more. Also, if you have an American Express card, then 2% goes back to you,, So I used to get a nice check every year just for using them. It depends brutha, on your shopping needs. I have kids so I use a ton of some things.

Yes you do- $50 for the basic and $100 for the executive membership. I would say it is similar to Sams but the assortment at Costco attracts the mid to higher income and Sams more to small business and mid to value incomes. A few years ago Sams tried to upscale their assortment to compete with Costco. Customers walked away in droves because if they wanted to go to Costco they would...

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My costco has very good quality meat. Foster farms chicken breasts, packs of like 10 pair but individually pkg. so you
can freeze are bettter price then supermarket. Contact stuff, my family wears contacts, is cheaper and their eye
doctor is about half price and I like him better then my old guy and the perscription glasses are about third of the price.
Sometimes i will get coats or stuff like that for my daughters. Toys, wrapping paper at xmas, I even got frikking tennis
shoes there. Yeah, Im a cheap bastard. Dont go when your hungry, I willl come home with 30 lbs of cookies. Hey, I just
got some quality protien at great price there. At mine the inventory changes but it is hard to get out of there under 300 bucks.
I am down in Mexico this week. Of course I had to stop into the local Costco and stock up on the essentials. I love it because you can pretty much count on them having what you need regardless of what country you are in.
I keep hearing about it, but we don't have one here so I'll never experience it. I just get my meats from a local meat market because I like supporting local business plus the owner is a member at my gym and a former bodybuilder so he knows what I want as far as no fat and shit
I buy all my protein meats there. It is a lot cheaper on some things and others not so much.
Costco and Sams Club are pretty comparable here in California although with some variance in brands or what they carry. I think Costco used to have much better quality meat, but now only slightly better than say sams or other grocery stores. Still very good, but I feel like quality has gone down slightly. Both are great for bulk household items, veggies, breads, meats, protein bars, OTC meds, etc.
fuck Sam's club and Wal-Mart they are a bunch of low life leeches that are sucking our economy dry...I hated them before but I really hate them after watching a video as to how they treat their workers, screwing them over