What are you bigger guys BP??


New member
Im 5'9-5'10, you shorter guys know what Im talkin about. That extra half an inch counts for us!! Anyway Im about 238 at about 9-10%. I always though I was in pretty good shape, but my BP is 146/86. Is that really bad?? I know I need to start doing cardio a couple times a week. What are you guys at??
I'm 5'6" and go anywheres from 195 to 200lbs. I'm on meds and still clocking around 150/78 most the time. Off my meds will see it to 160 or 170 over 90.

Im 6'5 320. I run 120 /80 like clockwork baby:) The doctor kinda gets pissed at me when he takes it:D
6'2" 280 lbs normal BP for me is about 117/65
it has gone as high as 150/90 with the wrong d-bol and to much ECA russians make my BP skyrocket but tai d-bol is just fine and make good gains on them.. think I have a runners BP from being on stackers for almost 2 years and gonna be back on them soon.. time to see how much muscle is under the fat LOL
Thats what I'll tell her!!! Its high b/c she was there!!! So I can still have KFC since it must be really good usually!! Thanks