What do you consider BIG ?


New member
After a discussion with a few guys I know , I realized my idea of "BIG" and theirs was very different.

I dont consider myslf extremeley BIG, just kinda big.

Maybe I have a complex.
Most guys I see seem to be bigger than me, at least in my eyes.
Im not sure I'll ever attain the size, that in my eyes, would make me "BIG"

What is YOUR definition of BIG ?

Can you be too BIG...( I think not )
It never seems like I reach the point I see myself as big.
I recall once thinking 200lbs was big than 230lbs than 250lbs.

I now look at guys whom looked big when younger Mr T., George Foreman, Stallone and others who I never imagined being that big (when I was younger) and I see pics of em now in their prime and they are fat or small, its weird.

You SM are defiantly very big dude. You would defiantly turn heads where ever you walk bro. I hope to someday be that thick.

Our perception is warped I think
I believe bodybuilders have a type of "reverse anorexia" where we see ourselves as smaller than we really are.
I agree RThugg - SM, I think there is such thing as too big... but thats just my opinion - e.g Ronnie Coleman, Gunther etc They are awesome to look at and admire but I would never want to be that big
Preach on brother Rugbythug. Hit the nail on the head.

I remember thinking 215 lbs 10% bf was huge. Now my goal is 245lbs
rugbythug said:
body dismorphia-our minds distort the images we see of ourselves. Very hard for us to have true self image.

It's actually called muscle dismorphia.... and it is actually a real mind disease..... It is very similar to anorexia but revesed.... And psychiatrists actually treat it....

In my case I am the same way.... no matter how big I get, I always think I am small and other people I look at always seem bigger then me.......
Eight months ago, I was 167 lbs. Now I am 210 lbs. That forty-three pound gain has made all the difference in the world to me.

WOMEN that would not even look at me, can't stop from staring now. I even think my dick got bigger. In fact, I'm sure it did. I love bodybuilding and will never stop. I'm hooked, this is my life now and I want to gain another 20 lbs.
I have reverse muscle dysmorphia. The smaller I get the bigger my muscles seem. I walk around in a wife beater and stick my arms out to the side because my lats are so huge. j/k

I don't think I'll ever really be satisfied with my weight. I keep thinking that 210-215 @ 7%bf will be my goal then I will just maintain, but I don't think I will stop once I get there.
I'm like all the rest of you. No matter how big I get I still don't see myself as being big. My perceptioin of big keeps going up. When I get to 270 then big will probably be 280. It never stops.
uppercut said:
I even think my dick got bigger. In fact, I'm sure it did. I love bodybuilding and will never stop. I'm hooked, this is my life now and I want to gain another 20 lbs.

lmao, i think my dick got smaller,lol, hows that, it looks like an acorn hanging from an oak tree damnit and i hate it, i think i might want to lose 80 or 90 pounds so it looks bigger, whats ur thought on this,lol

Presser said:
lmao, i think my dick got smaller,lol, hows that, it looks like an acorn hanging from an oak tree damnit and i hate it, i think i might want to lose 80 or 90 pounds so it looks bigger, whats ur thought on this,lol

From what Spanishfly has said, to get the effect of increased size, you'd have to weight about 60lb. Stick with the acorn look.... LOL

My wife loves big guys, she wouldnt even date anybody that wasnt. She tells me all kind of encouraging things, I get plenty of unsolicited positive feed back from others, and yes I get the " why would anyone want to be that big?"
All in all, I am happy with my size. I am not a stutter, Ive been doing this too long for that. Save that for the greenhorns. But I do wish I still had that fire I had as a green horn rookie, just starting to gain real weight. You know, WAY to many sets and way too much time in the gym. These days I can be finished and out of the gym inside 1 hr. But...something is working, Today I am 280lbs. My new alltime heaviest. But because of the disease we all have as bobdybuilders....I really think I need to add 15 more pounds before I start my diet and start competing again...Thats some sick shit... Hey Bro's , WE REALLY ARE WARPED IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT. BUt Im proud of our subculture and so should all of you. Peace / Out
the bigger you get, the smaller everyone else looks. it looks as if you havent gotten any bigger, just everyone has gotten smaller.
and the more juice you do the smaller yer nuts get too lol. but hey, small potatoes make the steak look bigger;)
If we didn't have that disease we woldn't be on this or any other board... We all need to know when it is a big problem and ultimaty will cost us our lives or health...There are 2 ways out of this sport....a choice we have made OR a life makes that choice for us..THINK THINK THINK !!!!

Bigger is always better but may not be healthier..

I have the same problem as all of you so i am talking from experience...i have been getting help with my distortion of myself.I see myself as that high school kid who weighted 120 lbs at 5"6 ...and now i weigh 220-225 lbs and i still want 15- more lbs...ANY way i can get it....

Good luck to all of you.....:D
muscle dismorphia is why we use gear and try to get freaky. most of us all think we are small. I know I do eventhough I am the second biggest person at my gym. Sometimes I see that I am big but not often which is why I have to be 280 to feel 240.

