What do you use?

What do you use

  • Human Grade (Like Organon)

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • Mexican Gear (Like QV)

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • UG (Like Anabolic Unlimited)

    Votes: 10 15.9%
  • Homebrew

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • Every thing i can get on my hand

    Votes: 20 31.7%
  • I don´t use gear bro.....

    Votes: 7 11.1%

  • Total voters
human grade or homemade... that way I know they are dosed properly
So far have used human grade, but might go another route in the future.
I have done human, qv, homemade tren, and now am making my own....so far I have had the best results with human....cant go wrong with that stuff...as long as you know your people...
mexivet (QV) stuff's just too economical to warrant my using anything else right now.......I'm scared to try human grade stuff for fear that it'll spoil me, and then I'll HAVE to use it exclusively
Using QV at the moment. Have used human grade in the past. Have also used UGL items which were excellent.

Hey bro, you should split the mexican stuff into two, QV, and pretty much all the other crap. So i guess my choice is QV and human grade but no other mexis.
Chemical Evolution said:
yeah except for vet grade, ill never use that again!

More and more I lean towards homemade if given a choice. Even human grade like Organon or Norma is faked so much that you can't always be sure. I have had some good UG stuff -- but again, I trust myself more. Besides, it's a lot cheaper.

Mexi stuff and vet stuff is just too dicey when quality product is available IMO.

For orals I use paperbolics exclusively.