What does your grocery bill look like?


New member
Just curious what some of you big dudes are spending on groceries per month or per week.
I'm cutting right now so I'm eating less, but the quality of the food is higher. I'm still spending about $75 a week.
75? crist man my daughter eats more then 75 a week,lol but serioulsy we spend alot of dough to eat healthy i try not to take notice to how much ya know
Shit man, I'm spending at least twice that much each week, my wife is ALWAYS bitching that I eat too much......:D
Let's just say we shop at the bulk store (bj's or sam's club) several times a week, in addition to hitting other grocery stores for sales.
about 150.. The wife is very good when it comes to finding good prices... now she probably spends another 100 in gas going to all the different stores.
you guys need to buy a cow. I spend less than 75 a week probably. Most of that is chicken. Course I bought a 1/3 of beef for 300 bucks last summer. That is 225lbs of beef keeps you going ya know.
Only 2 in my family eat beef, and neither of us eat it often. We should buy a poultry farm, though.
What if we open an MC farm. We can have juiced up chickens and Cattle on tren. and i think we would be able to save a lot of money.
Well in my household I have two bb-ers to feed. My wife eats almost as dam much as me. We are both heavy into precontest mode and the groceries are staggering. 2 dozen eggs per day lot's of chicken and fish. Anyone that complains about the cost of juice aint eating right.
And even at 24, I'm not above going to my parents house, and eating all their food.
35lbs of Orange Ruffy! Yucky! Had some Saturday and didn't really care for it. Now the white Ruffy is awesome. Also love Tuna steaks, Mahi-Mahi, Swordfish (is O.k.), Shark is really good..............sorry getting off the topic here. For god sakes don't look at your grocery bill! Too depressing.