What if Your Son or Daughter Wanted to Use Steroids, Compete, or maybe even Just Use Cutting Agents Clenbuterol or T3?


Staff member
What if your kid, boy or girl wanted to compete seriously, to the point where drugs are used?
Steroids, peptides, Diuretics, or even Just Clenbuterol or T3.
Where if anywhere do you drawl the line?

I know we have had this discussion here before probably about a decade or so ago. Truth be told , My Answer Might have Changed! And most likely my answer has changed as Now I have a son and a daughter (twins) so I suppose now I can actually picture it, Plus a lot has changed in a decade in terms of perception, acceptability etc...

So Before I rant on with my beliefs , I will likely give my answer in between everyones posts lol,

So what is your take on it?
Learn and be responsible and never think you have learned it all. Even too much water can kill you.

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I would not say to them not to do it.
Think of all the pitfalls. What can go wrong. All the issues we have to deal with.
I'm into my aas use but I know it's a hard game we play.
And for what? To look awesome. Be strong. Yeah that's great.
My kid needs to get a solid education and a job making 200k a year. Not spend their money and be preoccupied with aas.
I'm preoccupied. I spend 1000s.
I go to work and they say whoa you juicing!?
As I get older. I realize one day I'm still gonna be old.
Do I regret this choice? Sometimes.
One thing I don't regret is going on Trt. But blasting has its pitfalls. The money is one. The health risks the other....
So no way.
But if I found out they were doing it i would ask about their protocol. And correct it if it's wrong.
Then I would make sure they don't go overboard.
That's all I can do. If they are 18 and living on their own it's their life I suppose

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Learn and be responsible and never think you have learned it all. Even too much water can kill you.

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yeah, i think i might have written aspirin kill more people than steroids back when we first visited this subject, lol, and I said I would have no problem with my son using steroids when he became of age, but Now I actualy have a son lol and i dont know now lol, maybe bbecause he is only 3 and its hard too now, lol and I only want the best for my kids.

However, Things have changed! And a lot! Bodybuilding isnt what it once was! I would much rather my son play football or baseball and use somehting there in off season to get an edge, but bodybuilding, man IDK!

Plus I have a lot more aches and pains, a couple knee surgeries , neck fusion needed now , that wasnt so much the case back then!

However....all in all, I am still much healthier than most men and I want that for my kids!

I think the bodybuilding and fitness healthy lifestyle is a Fantastic way to live your life. The steroids end of it though, I would only be ok with, if they were finally legalized! It not soo much the problems that the drugs can cause, but more so the trouble they can get you into, which is sad considering most users of PEDs are middle class educated men who contribute to society, pay their taxes, take their kids to school, and sporting events.

So for me, its more the law aspect of it that sways my vote in this conversation about your own kids and Performance enhancing drugs PED
I wish my kids had any motivation now. As for steroids as long as they are over 25 it is their choice. legally they need to be ok with the consequences if caught.

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As long as my son is responsible with it and is serious about it and not just juicing to go to a music festival looking jacked..there is a right and wrong way of doing things..hopefully he will know which is which....personally id prefer him to do some sort of martial arts
As long as my son is responsible with it and is serious about it and not just juicing to go to a music festival looking jacked..there is a right and wrong way of doing things..hopefully he will know which is which....personally id prefer him to do some sort of martial arts

Totally agree! Doing things the right way and the smart way.
Hell no screw it teach them to play golf. The worst player on the tour last year made a couple million with endorsements.
If the work ethic that it takes to justify and the diet is right and has been maintained for a couple of years. I would help them. Unless your 18 then in my opinion you don't need me to be making their decisions for them. Your old enough to go to war. You better have some grasp of life

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It's kinda different for me. My son has a medical condition, so he's got to be extra extra careful what he puts in his body. Ten years ago I gave him one of my kidneys. Also why I have to be careful what I do. But if he was a "normal" healthy kid, I would help and coach him one he was over 27 or so. I mean, hell, he was on prescribed hgh for years and years. He was giving himself injections since he was 5 years old. I would draw it, he would pin it. So he kinda had the introduction into it. Lol
My boy has a great, level head on his shoulders. If he wanted to, then I would drown him with all the knowledge I have, and I'd damn sure be sure he was a member on MC!

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It's kinda different for me. My son has a medical condition, so he's got to be extra extra careful what he puts in his body. Ten years ago I gave him one of my kidneys. Also why I have to be careful what I do. But if he was a "normal" healthy kid, I would help and coach him one he was over 27 or so. I mean, hell, he was on prescribed hgh for years and years. He was giving himself injections since he was 5 years old. I would draw it, he would pin it. So he kinda had the introduction into it. Lol
My boy has a great, level head on his shoulders. If he wanted to, then I would drown him with all the knowledge I have, and I'd damn sure be sure he was a member on MC!

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Didnt know you only had one kidney man, let alone donated the other one to your son. Very odd you mentioned this, as I have kidney surgery on the septembr 15th and then again on the 16th, and was just thinking GOD forbid i lose this kidney incase one of my kids every needs it, so weird you said this as i was just quite literally thinking about this scenario!

Anyhow, thats awesome of you bro, then again you would have to be a real shit bag to not donate you son or daughter a kidney or anything for that matter, hell I would give my son or daughter my heart if they needed it and be on my way..
Didnt know you only had one kidney man, let alone donated the other one to your son. Very odd you mentioned this, as I have kidney surgery on the septembr 15th and then again on the 16th, and was just thinking GOD forbid i lose this kidney incase one of my kids every needs it, so weird you said this as i was just quite literally thinking about this scenario!

Anyhow, thats awesome of you bro, then again you would have to be a real shit bag to not donate you son or daughter a kidney or anything for that matter, hell I would give my son or daughter my heart if they needed it and be on my way..
You've got that right brutha. Nothing in the world I wouldn't do for that boy.

For years I used it as leverage with him. Telling him that because my kidney is in him, I can tell when he's lying to me. Lol He believed it for a while. Now every year on March 6th, we celebrate kidney day, since that's the anniversary of the surgery.

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You've got that right brutha. Nothing in the world I wouldn't do for that boy.

For years I used it as leverage with him. Telling him that because my kidney is in him, I can tell when he's lying to me. Lol He believed it for a while. Now every year on March 6th, we celebrate kidney day, since that's the anniversary of the surgery.

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I'm sorry you guys had to go through that, but can only imagine how much closer it has actually brought you. Very happy it seems to have all worked out for the best.

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I'm sorry you guys had to go through that, but can only imagine how much closer it has actually brought you. Very happy it seems to have all worked out for the best.

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Thanks! Not going to lie and say it was all a breeze, because it wasn't. But I'd do it all over again.

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Thanks! Not going to lie and say it was all a breeze, because it wasn't. But I'd do it all over again.

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Not much we wouldn't do for our kids is their. Mine think their mistreated just trying to toughen them up. I wish you could get kids to hear a story like you and your son so they would appreciate how good they have had it. But I guess that wisdom comes with age.

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same rules would apply... get to the right age.. get to the right natural development.. do the cycle right.. and not before understanding the implications of his decisions.. e.g. health risks, fertility issues.. blah blah
There is nothing that I woulnd't do for my son. He's my world. It's funny, because before his mother got pregnant, I said, we're going to have a boy, and I'm going to make sure he's hard, and fit, and a badass. He's going to live by rules and regulations, and he's going to be a good man. For punishments, I'll treat him like a recruit on Parris Island, and make him exercise until his heart explodes in his chest. Then he will learn a lesson and get fit. Well, then she got prego, and 6 months later they figured out there was a problem. I was deployed overseas, and I got a red cross message saying my kid wouldn't live to be born, or if he did make it to be born, he wounld't make it to be one year old. Now let that sink in. I was overseas, in a foreign country, doing things that weren't so nice. Then I'm told my kid is going to die before I ever meet him.
Fast forward, I get home, we jump through hoops, transfered hospitals, and met with a few specialists. They gave us hope. Fast foward again, he's born, 6lbs even 18" long, looked and sounded normal. Fast forward a year, because of his kidney issue, he drinnks ALOT of water, in turn it ruins his appetite, so he doesn't eat. So they install a G-tube, so we can hook him up to a machine at night so that we can fill his little belly with formula and medication. Also by this point, he's getting a shot every day, and orally taking 7 different meds. Doc appointments every week, eventually become once a month. 5 years later, his G-tube/button starts to crack, so they have to install a new one. I hope that none of you ever have to experience that procedure ever. Basically, the Gtube button looks like the inflator valve for a beach ball/pool raft/etc. They way they change it out, is they rip it out. Then use a tool that looks like a tire plug tool to put the new one in. I never heard a kid scream in such agony in my life, nor do I ever want to hear it again. I had to be removed from the hospital that day by security. I was told to wait outside because I was going to fuck the doctor up for doing that to my son.
Fast forward another 5 years. He's growing pretty good, actually on the growth chart. So they decide to remove the g-tube button, but he has something else going on. Turns out his appendix was screwing up, so he had that removed instead. Another year or so, it's time for the transplant. They had me in one OR and him in the next one over. They took my kidney out and walked it right over to him and started to install. While they were in there, they took his button out. My kid looks like a damn combat action war hero with 3 purple hearts, if you were to see him without a shirt on. Scars everywhere.
Now we're thining that everything will be great, now that he's got my kidney, and for the most part it was. He felt better than ever. Until the first time he got the BK virus and it landed him in the hospital for 10 days. The thing with organ transplant recipients, they are on immunosuppresants for the rest of thier lives. So what we might blow off as the sniffles, could land him in the hospital or morgue. So he's been in the hospital in bad shape about 4 times now since the transplant. Once they weren't sure if he was going to live. All because of a virus. He actually was just in the hospital last week for 5 days because of a UTI. They found out that his bladder does not completely empty when he urinates, and it builds up bacteria. Nothing like watching your kid crying because the pain is uncontrolable. You feel helpless and just wish you could take the pain for them.
My boy is 22 years old now. He's bigger than me, not muscular, but looks more "corn fed". He's a husky kid. I'm so happy that he was strong enough to prove the doctors wrong.
My fucking God..

Experiences like that are exactly why I am scared shitless to have children.