what is that peptide for sleep called

nope i was wrong and admit it CJC-1295 helps in promoting slow wave sleep. It is also known as deep sleep which is the part of sleep responsible for maximum muscle growth. sorry let us know if you find anything im interested the trazadone kicks my ass
A ghrp and ghrh combo would be your best bet for sleep. Pre bed pin of 100mcg each is a good starting point. I've been researching with cjc-1295 no dac and ghrp-2 for many months now and still love the deep sleep and vivid dreams I get from it. Not to mention the slimming effect it will have. Depending on frequency of dosing, you can achieve fat loss through lipolysis, quicker recovery from the gym, anti-aging, and better sleep quality...
ghrp2 never put me to sleep, all I got from it was crazy hunger pains, so really couldn't sleep at all.
DSIP: Delta sleep-inducing peptide.Delta sleep-inducing peptide was first isolated in Switzerland in 1977 from the cerebral-venous blood of sleeping rabbits; since then it has been studied extensively but the primary role of the peptide in mammals is thus far inconclusive as studies have provided many contradictory results.[1][2] *Since the initial paper by Schoenenberger, et al, hundreds of studies have focused on potential primary and peripheral roles of the neuropeptide.Immunoreactive DSIP has been isolated in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands, which together make up the system known as the HPA axis.[3]* *Decreased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels and plasma levels are implicated in or associated with major depressive disorder, and reduced CSF levels with schizophrenic states.[3] *DSIP has been shown to induce sleep.[3] *It has also been used successfully to treat opiate and alcohol withdrawal.[3] It has been shown to work as an analgesic in treatment of chronic pain, sometimes as an adjunct treatment.[3] *The source of production of DSIP is unknown; it may be produced in the central nervous system or in a peripheral organ.[3] It is thought to pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) more easily than most known neuropeptides.[3]The amino acid structure of DSIP is as follows:N-Trp-Ala-Gly-Gly-Asp-Ala-Ser-Gly-Glu-C.[2] *There is an apparent disparity between circulating life in vivo and a lower stability (15 minutes approximately) demonstrated in vitro. *This has led to speculation that a carrier protein interacts with endogenous DSIP to enhance stability, or that it is distributed in the form of a larger precursor model, but there is no supporting evidence for these hypotheses at time of writing.[4]DSIP has been shown to block ACTH release and decrease levels of ACTH, stimulate LH release, and act as an inhibitor of the secretion of somatostatin.[5][6][7]DSIP may have potential as an epileptic treatment; in rats with metaphit-induced epilepsy, it was demonstrated to act as an anti-convulsant.[8]DSIP has been demonstrated not only to act as an effective treatment for opiate withdrawal, it actually acts as an opiate receptor antagonist, helping prevent formation of opiate dependence.[9]DSIP has also been shown to help treat narcolepsy and restore disturbed sleep patterns to normal sleep rhythms.[10]Phospho-DSIP, also known as phosphorylated delta sleep inducing peptide, occurs naturally in the body and is thought to have the same effects (except "stronger" and "more consistent") as DSIP except with a longer circulating life:125I-N-Tyr-P-DSIP, a phosphorylated analog, revealed slower degradation and, in contrast to DSIP, produced complex formation. An excess of unlabeled material did not displace the radioactivity supporting the assumption of non-specific binding/aggregation. It was concluded that the rapid disappearance of injected DSIP in blood was due to degradation, whereas complex formation together with slower degradation resulted in longer persistence of apparently intact analogs. Whether this could explain the sometimes stronger and more consistent effects of DSIP-analogs remains to be examined.[11]
if you want the best sleep combo without the hunger of ghrp2 or 6 then use ipamorelin with cjc-1295...shortly i will be bringing my other company to this board and we have both in stock...ipam is better IMO to both the ghrp analogs mentioned...no hunger pains
Ghrp2 gives you a bigger pulse then ipam, most call it the biggest bang for your buck. Some people get hungry, others don't. I don't get hungry from it myself. There is no chance of desensitizing to ipam, that why some opt for it instead of ghrp2. As long as your keeping your pins at least 3 hours apart, you will be fine with ghrp2. Most people stick to 3x/ day routine. Early AM pin before fasted cardio, post workout, and pre bed. There is never a need to dose your GHRH higher then 100mcg's, ghrp's are where people play around with amount. Anywhere from 100-400mcg+, but build up to it. Don't just pin 300mcg of ghrp, sides might freak you out, like the flushing, increased heart rate, and rise in body temp. If your going to do just 1 pin a day, do the pre bed pin. Your body's biggest natural release happens while you sleep, couple with peptides you'll fully dump your pituitary.