what is your warm up for leg day

Yea I like really light leg extensions to get the blood flowing. Then I stretch. Then I work. Then I fight puking for the next 3 hours.
5 minutes easy on the recumbent bike.....then the usual 2-3 warmups to my working weight
i do dc training. so legs are warm the time i hit the heavy press, hack or squat.
i do acclimation sets on every exercise though.
10 mins on the treadmill, then stretch for 5 mins..then on to my first movement, squats, leg presses, ect...I will do 3-5 warm up sets to get the movement down and get blood flowing...
bike or treadmill for 10 mins..2 sets 135 for 15-20 reps then 225 for 12-15

then bring the pain!!
I do step-ups first, then I either do light weight leg extensions or I use light weight on squats trying to go as deep as I can.