What keeps you motivated?


New member
Keeping up the habit of working out every day is tough for most of us. What are some ways you keep yourself motivated to hit the gym on your off-days?

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youtube videos of pros training. They make me motivated to lift, and EAT! You got to get in the mindframe that your competition doesnt take days off, or skips meals.... even if you dont have direct competition. There is always something
compliments from friends and random ppl are always a great motivator for me plus videos like pumping iron blood and guts all that seeing these beastly guys pump out some heavy weights psychs me up big time
its past the external motivation point i beleive.. its more a psychological thing now...

honestly i think i could say that 99% of us would get the shits when we cant make it to the gym for an extended period of time. You think you get smaller, weaker or fatter.. even though this may not be true.

its more of a necessity these days ...
Didn't we already have a thread just like this one about two weeks ago? Like I said, it's all about thug motivation!
My little girls. Knowing when they go on their first date that the little boy gets the fear of god put in him when he sees that monster staring down at him.
the dream of walking in a room and people going WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, because im so huge lol. That and all the bitches that hang all over you is pretty good motivation too.
Top heavy women playing volleyball at my gym.:satan:
Seriously though, and regardless of individual goals, knowing that I'm walking into a supportive atmosphere for 90 minutes, twice a day.
Hopping on to these forums or checking out a few vids will work.
A lot of the time its anger and frustration.
Personally speaking, my motivation is constantly having to run after my 3 young children! LOL I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep up with them!! Not only am I doing this for myself, but for my family as well. I plan on sticking around for a very long time!
