What kind of antivirus do you guys have?

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
My dad has always sworn by AVG so that's what i use, but I've never really looked into anything else since that's what he always had on our home computer. I just renewed my licenses with AVG for another year, but I think I may look around since I've got 30 days money back guarantee
Zone alarm paid pro version works great! You get 3 downloads for different pcs
and since were on the subject, why do they need so much info when you go to register your computer? Fuck I feel like I doing a background check for a firearm
I am considering getting a MAC when I get a new laptop, but I've gotta save some money up for it

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Not everyone has 2 computers yet alone 3, there Richie Rich

HA fuckin HA !

And ide venture to guess that most people have at least 2 computers they could use the zone alarm downloads for. And for those of you with one PC . The average house hold has 3 devices connected to the internet(real factoid )
I use Trend Micro on my Mac at home, Symantec Norton on work Mac, Webroot on PCs. Technically, I haven't normally had issues with Macs, but there are other vulnerabilities that these products block that aren't necessarily because of viruses.
SuperAntiSpyware Free Edition - Called anti spyware, but it gets rid of everything, virus, trojans, you name it. Last time I picked up my computer from the repair doc I asked him and he told me that he uses SAS.
Kaspersky is the best, ive used them all before and had issues with each. Macs are not virus free so dont think you are immune. I have studied computer security for a while. Any computer can be hacked, so the best thing to do is have multiple layers so the hacker has problems and will go for easier prey. Also when you use your computer do not use as an administrator. Create a standard user and use that for web use. If you use admin when using the system if someone gets in they will immediately boot you off as administrator and then they own the system. always clear cache after using any bank transactions. If malware gets in the first go to cache and empty it because all relevant info is stored there short term , so clear cache history regular. Keep system updated and browser along with java and adobe flash, my college professor said safest computer is the one that is off, so shut your system down when not in use, good passwords too. This is basic shit, run scans regular , If a virus does get in it will attach your anti virus and disable it, so if your anti virus is disabled suspect a virus, and always keep several back ups, i always keep at least two different, I clone two disks then put them away in safe keeping.