What routine makes you feel amazing?


New member
Several people have a workout routine that makes them feel amazing.... What's yours? "I always feel best after my ______ workout."
I feel the best after a chest or arm workout. Always leave pumped and huge! I feel the worst after a leg day. I always seem to leave the gym feeling like a cripple.
I always liked chest... But the more I do legs my whole body feels like it is pumped !!!! So I would go with legs too !!!
yea i feel the best after arm day....fuck leg day...at the end i wanna puke and i feel like i lost 10 lbs but the next day i do feel better
I always feel better after I puke from squatting and get my body back to normal. I just did this Monday and although I was lightheaded and pale as hell for a good 30 minutes, once I recooped and started training again, I felt invincible
shoulders/traps for me, they explode and stay pumped for hrs, I always get compliments on that. I enjoy that feeling, and when in high test.deca.dbol, I just pump up like a raped ape!
yea i feel the best after arm day....fuck leg day...at the end i wanna puke and i feel like i lost 10 lbs but the next day i do feel better

Nicely said!! I'd have to say HIT... Even though it makes me want to puke the results make me feel great.
I do puke on leg days if it's hot enough in the gym (we don't have AC). So I'll frequently puke and it sucks, but once I recover and finish the workout, I feel like a million bucks
the one where I lay down in bed and the sheets are cold and I fall asleep right away and stay asleep all night until the sun is up (I have done this atleast 2 times in the last 12 months