What size needles do you use?


New member
Out of interest, what size needles do you use?

I ALWAYS use the same size pin to draw and to pin with. a Green 21G 1.5" pin is all i use for everywhere. Quads, Glutes, Delts, Bi's, Lats ... people think this is pretty strange but i find its harder to push the oil through a 23G.

Am i alone on this?
Typically 25g 1" on everything except glutes then it's a 23g 1.5", but I just bought 25g 5/8" because they were on sale
Somewhere somehow I used a 20g 1.5" on right glute Saturday. Good news and bad news, good news the oil went in in 2 seconds flat, bad news I felt like I pushed a sword in. Tad sore. 23 guage for most everything, never put a tip through anymore than one vial w/o changing tip. Alternate between 1 and 1.5". Haven't done thigh lately, last time it almost crippled me.
I've always done 25 / 1.5 but I think my next order will be for 23s
Somewhere somehow I used a 20g 1.5" on right glute Saturday. Good news and bad news, good news the oil went in in 2 seconds flat, bad news I felt like I pushed a sword in. Tad sore. 23 guage for most everything, never put a tip through anymore than one vial w/o changing tip. Alternate between 1 and 1.5". Haven't done thigh lately, last time it almost crippled me.

I know what you mean...I think I am through with thighs too. Of course my legs are so small I stuck the 1.5" needle in and saw it come out the other side of my leg. Squirted the test out on the floor. :eek:
I like to draw with an 18g and shoot with a 25g 1". In some cases I'll use 1 1/2", but not too often.
only problem their is when you use an 18 gauge to draw with , is sometimes a chunck of the rubber stopper always winds up floating in the gear, and if you dont notice it, then next thing you know its floating in your syringe, then you have to take the needle off and turn it upside down and wait nine fucking years for the piece to SLOWLY fall to the bottom of the syringe so you can can then get the floater out, I HATE WHEN THIS HAPPENS

And GOD only knows how many pieces of rubber stopper i have embedded in my glute muscles,lol, probably more then i care to know about,lol