What steak do you prefer and how much


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Ive been using 8 ounce New York strips as of late. I can get them for 3.99 a pound. I love them too. I use olive oil and crush garlic and onions and put crushed black pepper on them and marinate them in a ziploc. I flip them every couple hours. They are lean and I like the texture of them. They usually stay tender too. Then again I eat it medium rare.
I am not a big meat eater, and I honestly dont like eating steaks at all, but my wife loves steak so i will eat it when we go out to eat or when she cooks it, and I usualy eat Filet Mignon and I use to hate it if it wasnt cook realy realy well but after meeting my wife I tryed eating it like she does and that BLOODY and I have to say it tastes way better this way and i never would have thought i would have eaten it this way, but again i realy dont like steak at all

Oh yeah and even in the dead of winter my wife will go out on the deck and cook the steaks on the grill,lol, sounds crazy but she does it and likes it grilled
Ribeyes have a little too much fat for me but they do taste good. Presser if you get a divorce Ill drop you my number. I need a woman who will cook for me. I used to eat mine medium well and discovered how much better and tender they are when they aren't burnt. I love filets too but they are twice the price. I guess ideal would be to get a tbone roast and slice it. You get the strips on one side and filet on the other.
i just get round ( cause its cheap) beat the hell out of it 2 tenderize , marinate 1 day or so , cook 1 min. each side and its done. works good for a quick meal.
I'm a hunter I eat elk and deer steaks most of the year. I also come from a redneck family so the family butchers a couple cows a year and I get beef that way.
i only buy and eat sirlion, round and NY strip steak.
but at a steak house, it always the ribeye.