What time of day?


New member
What time of day do you lift and why?

I lift at about 4:00 to 5:00 pm, mostly because I'm getting home from work and don't have to start dinner yet. I'd rather lift in the morning, but I just haven't had the motivation to get out of bed on these really cold mornings.
I lift in the afternoon (4:30pm) after work because I don't have time in the morning. In the morning we have to get my daughter up & dressed & to the sitter's house so I can get to work by 7:30am.

I've trained in the mornings, but I feel like my energy/strength levels are lower because I don't have a full days food in me.
7:30 PM.....I wish I could get in there earlier but with my work schedule that's about the only time I have.
I have tried just about every different time going.....

Right now I work out at 6:30am before work. I just feel like doing this gets it done and out of the way so I can just relax after work.
crankin'stein said:
I have tried just about every different time going.....

Right now I work out at 6:30am before work. I just feel like doing this gets it done and out of the way so I can just relax after work.

Do you drink coffee before you start? Or are you already awake enough?
SuzyQ said:
Do you drink coffee before you start? Or are you already awake enough?

Usually I am awake enough.... sometimes I need a coffee....

If you think thats early, what would you say about when I used to work out at 5:30am....... :D
crankin'stein said:
Usually I am awake enough.... sometimes I need a coffee....

If you think thats early, what would you say about when I used to work out at 5:30am....... :D

When I bike in the summer, I usually leave the house at 5:15 a.m. so that I'm back by 6:00 - but that's only during the summer months when it's light enough. I do like working out in the morning - it prompts me to be more diligent about the diet all day.
SuzyQ said:
When I bike in the summer, I usually leave the house at 5:15 a.m. so that I'm back by 6:00 - but that's only during the summer months when it's light enough. I do like working out in the morning - it prompts me to be more diligent about the diet all day.

That is true....

It also makes me feel pretty good for most of the day.
jaywooly said:
I usually work out at about 9:00 or 10:00pm. That is when I finally have some free time for myself.

How soon do you go to sleep afterwards? Do you need some time to relax first?
SuzyQ said:
How soon do you go to sleep afterwards? Do you need some time to relax first?

Usuall an hour or two after my workout is over.

Say I workout at 10:00pm, I'll be done right after 11:00pm. I'll be asleep by no later than 1:00am. Then I'll wake up at 8:30 am for work.

I work on salary so it's usually more than 8 hours a day, plus a night class I take, plus a girlfriend, I'm amazed that I get to workout at all!
jaywooly said:
Usuall an hour or two after my workout is over.

Say I workout at 10:00pm, I'll be done right after 11:00pm. I'll be asleep by no later than 1:00am. Then I'll wake up at 8:30 am for work.

I work on salary so it's usually more than 8 hours a day, plus a night class I take, plus a girlfriend, I'm amazed that I get to workout at all!

Wait until you throw kids into the mix - then you'll be dragging kids to the gym or working out around them at home. Our 4 year old climbs on all the equipment in our gym.
Well, here comes the get up at 3 am guy and at the gym by 3:30 am. I sleep in until 4 am on the weekends though!
I am phisically at my best in the early am. I would not even consider going in at some of the times you guys go in..Way to late for me...
10 am like clockwork.

I think that if I had to train in the evening after work, I would take up golf. I can't stand the gym at that time - everyone in your way.

I train at 2:30 p.m.

I use to train at 5:30a.m. but my schedule for work changed to 5:00a.m.-- 2:00p.m., then leave for the gym. I like it, the gym is fairly empty at that time