What to pack for night before show?


New member
Hey guys, quick question on what to pack before you leave your place for a show. First show coming up and want to be prepared. Any kind of list anyone could put together would be really helpful. Just don't want to forget something and regret it. Appreciate it.
two change of clothes
two pair of posing trucks
a couple towels
Pam oli spray
Tanning lotion for touch ups
exercise bands for pump up
prep meals
red wine
I usually bring Norco for muscle pain and to numb out........haha, seriously though
two change of clothes
two pair of posing trucks
a couple towels
Pam oli spray
Tanning lotion for touch ups
exercise bands for pump up
prep meals
red wine
Bro I never tried the wine, that supposdly brings out vascularity, does it really? Or is on list to take the edge off? But I agree, good list. I wish I had brought bands for my last show as I really didnt get enough of a pump for both pre and PM show and the pump area was packed and cramped as usual

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Bro I never tried the wine, that supposdly brings out vascularity, does it really? Or is on list to take the edge off? But I agree, good list. I wish I had brought bands for my last show as I really didnt get enough of a pump for both pre and PM show and the pump area was packed and cramped as usual

The last few promoters were very adamant, no tanning dye allowed back stage
Wine for vascular ropes but taking the edge off isn't bad either....but yes it works pretty well if you can get in the sun for a little bit
good info, and yes double everything, backstage things seem to disappear sometimes on purpose lol, my wife had her posing oil taken once, she went on to win that shows overall, so if you look good back stage some people will fuck with you!!!