What was your first ORAL steroid


Veteran VIP
Believe it or not back in my day (early-mid 90's) most people in my area ran injections for a first cycle over orals,for whatever reason we had more Russians, and Organon sust250 going around compared to orals, same with Vet grade stanozolol,bold and Inject Dbol~(revorit-B), T200 & T400, we had a shit ton of Vet grade.. Orals weren't impossible but definitely no fuss no muss with the juice!

My first experience with an orals was dbol,in my first cycle with sust.. I didn't have enough to really expect/see anything, or ever knew what to expect for that matter..It wasn't till my 3-4 cycle I ran dbol again, but this time with vengeance..It was like a reunion with a long lost soul mate from a different life, I never wanted to cycle without them from that point on..Being young and blowing up like a tic was an ideal goal,and having it in record braking time was just unheard of, clearly no definition whatsoever but us boy were swollen and that's all that mattered.. Good times without an doubt, fat/bloated,squirting milk from our tits and full of zits..

First/second cycles are mostly great with injects, but your first successful oral (with or without injection) run I feel is far greater,with overall feeling and results!

what was the first oral you ran, did you stack, or an oral only, and did it exceed your expectations?
In 1979 I did my first run with Ciba DBol. It was awesome. Honestly, I haven't felt that same rush.
And I have done hundreds of cycles since then. Yes, hundreds.
var and I loved it and am loving it, been cruising on it for a while now, 5 cycles of it, and its my fav, joints are happy, pretty dry, no androgenic issues beyond slightly more oily skin and the lady parts are a little swollen, but it always goes away, no zits, strength was a little better
Liquid Oral Dbol 40mg/day. Lab was US Pharmaceuticals. Stuff was ok....def made me thicker, but was somewhat disappointed. After hearing how dbol blows you up i thought 40mg would work wonders. There was certainly NO shortage of food intake I can promise that.
M1T if it can technically be called an oral steroid. If not, then dianabol.
M1T if it can technically be called an oral steroid. If not, then dianabol.
MT1 is in fact a roid in my book.. I took it years ago thinking it was a dbol, my buddy contacted the source to praise them and they advised that it was in fact methyl test1. I had no clue, the results were amazing. I was getting compliments 2 weeks later by some friends in a local coffee joint. the only oral to put on strength and size that fast was drol for me. I often wonder if I wasn't so lethargic how much more could I have put in on the grind?!?!
Im not sure which PH was my first but I remember blowing up on one called spawn. Was young, uneducated, and knew nothing of pct. Lost all my gains. lol
My next term,master on,and test cycle will be coming up and I'm stuck with either running SD or anavar.both would be my first run

will work for tren