What would you add to a test a Decca cycle and why?


New member
I've been running test E and Decca for about 6 weeks and was wanting to add another compound just not to sure what one. Dbol gives me high BP and head aches so that's out.

What would you chose if U had to
If it were me I might have oral winstrol in it maybe . Chances are I would be good with just those two injectable though
I've never done 3 compounds at once before. Apart from some dbol with these injectables but I got off the quick due to the BP headaches
That is the bread and butter stack. Hard to get much better but I would maybe add in a anti estro to prevent deca dick.
Anti E doesn't help Decca dick.. deca is a progestin so an anti P would be better but I don't have dick problems anyway.