whats the best over the counter anti-inflammatory

Not sure which is best, but the pain meds I just got have ibuprofin added for just that reason.
Come on stop being pussies...J/k bros! :D I like to use just Icy hot to help with pain and soreness instead, I find it works better for me.
Aleve has a longer half life than ibuprofen so it is easier to achieve a steady blood level,it's better for chronic inflamation in that respect. Ibuprofen has a quicker onset of action so for acute pain it's superior. Their anti-inflammatory effects are comparable and both can cause stomach ulcers when taken on a regular basis. Tylenol helps pain but does zero for inflammation.
Two aleve tabs 3x a day is usually my choice with 800mg motrin 3x a day a close second.
I go with 4 200mg ibuprofin if i'm having problems. If you are talking long term MSM is pretty cheap. I just went in and my doctor (shoulder)gave me a months worth of free samples of ????? (starts with a B) 20mg that you only have to take once a day and they seem to work pretty well. Speaking of anti-inflamatories. I have read a couple times that they can be detrimental to muscle growth. Does anyone know anything about this or is it a bunch of hooey? Presser if you want me to check what the once a day stuff is, let me know and I will check it out when I get home.
Sounds like B is Bextra gander,good stuff but Rx.
Anti-inflammatories will interfere with the action of HCG so avoid if your doing that,otherwise I'm not aware of any studies showing interference with muscle growth.
thnx gander im cool bro my doc wrote me a celebrex or some shit, but i just am using aleve and midwhtchamp bro wht do u mean 3 aleve knock you out? lmao if anti inflamatories are knocking you out you need to get your weight up buddy ,lol
Naproxin Sodium for me. I have tried them all. For cronic pain, which is all I use them for anyway, nothing else even comes close.
ftballcat - you are a tuff sum' bitch. Deca, you were right - it is Bextra. Presser, Celebrex is good stuff too. I have taken it before for a herniated disk in my back and it helps fast.
This is the study that is always quoted when talking about NSAIDS effect on muscle building. Pay attention to the dosage of IBU - 1.2g - not far off from the doses some are recommending.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002 Mar;282(3):E551-6

Effect of ibuprofen and acetaminophen on postexercise muscle protein synthesis.

Trappe TA, White F, Lambert CP, Cesar D, Hellerstein M, Evans WJ.

We examined the effect of two commonly consumed over-the-counter analgesics, ibuprofen and acetaminophen, on muscle protein synthesis and soreness after high-intensity eccentric resistance exercise. Twenty-four males (25 +/- 3 yr, 180 +/- 6 cm, 81 +/- 6 kg, and 17 +/- 8% body fat) were assigned to one of three groups that received either the maximal over-the-counter dose of ibuprofen (IBU; 1,200 mg/day), acetaminophen (ACET; 4,000 mg/day), or a placebo (PLA) after 10-14 sets of 10 eccentric repetitions at 120% of concentric one-repetition maximum with the knee extensors. Postexercise (24 h) skeletal muscle fractional synthesis rate (FSR) was increased 76 +/- 19% (P < 0.05) in PLA (0.058 +/- 0.012%/h) and was unchanged (P > 0.05) in IBU (35 +/- 21%; 0.021 +/- 0.014%/h) and ACET (22 +/- 23%; 0.010 +/- 0.019%/h). Neither drug had any influence on whole body protein breakdown, as measured by rate of phenylalanine appearance, on serum creatine kinase, or on rating of perceived muscle soreness compared with PLA. These results suggest that over-the-counter doses of both ibuprofen and acetaminophen suppress the protein synthesis response in skeletal muscle after eccentric resistance exercise. Thus these two analgesics may work through a common mechanism to influence protein metabolism in skeletal muscle.
I think its a safe jump to assume that these results apply to all OTC NSAIDs (which includes alleve/naproxen). I don't know if you can assume it to apply to COX-2 drugs like Bextra, Celebrex, and Vioxx though.

I've never heard of them interferring with HCG though, could you comment more of that Deca?