What's the BEST part about juicin' ???


I posted a thread about our complaints about being a juice head. Now I'd like to hear our positives (thanks to Rugbythug for the idea).

One exception, it can't be the simple fact of being stronger or bigger, get a little deeper people...
Mine would definatly be the way I feel off of test (confidence + horniness makes jay a very happy man).

It's almost like a euphoria for me, I don't know.
The itch to get in the gym because your going to have a hell of a workout. The D-bol calm.............
The look on someones face when they see you at week 1 then again at week 10... lol :p Honestly because it keeps me at the top of my game.. Really love the appearence, strength and feeling while im on cycle. Hell I just love being on Test! :)
I love what it does for my gains, but more than that, it feels like it takes 25 years off my age. Physically and mentally I feel so much better when I'm on. Wait till your natural levels drop off and you'll know what I mean. Quality of life.
Besides, its fun!
test is the shit.....I love the newfound confidence and the sex drive times ten..........July can't come quick enough
The improvement in your physic, and the strenght gains...... Great felling! It´s the fact that you know that you gonna grow for real!
Cant wait to start my cycle next week :D
I have a great sex drive, vs. almost no sex drive. I'm not depressed, think more clearly, am more confident, just overall happier and feel better about myself. Of course, my test levels were low before hand.
sex drive is always nice..but I love the looks you start getting, when it kicks in!!!!
I love the way I can see myself changing week to week hearing god damn your huge what have you been doing or the best damn your big do you work out duh no I look like this by eating a big mac

I love being able to fuck for hours over and over again ! lmao

I love look on the ex wifes face when she pulls up and I have my shirt off when she picks up the kids ! lmao F U biatch !
The feeling that whatever you lifted last week is goin to get blown up.

The feeling that your mentor is getting caught, and you squating more weight them him

The feeling that i can do that weight, slap 50 more lbs on there

When you squating and some kid goes shit, thats alot of weight, and people just stair at you while lifting.

Walk around and friends say, man you got huge--celltec is the best thing ever
I love what it does to my self confidence. I used to have a real problem with self confidence when I was younger... it seeme like the bigger I get, the better I feel about myself. And I find that the bigger I get, the friendlier ppl are to me
The looks you get from people who haven't seen you since you started your cycle are priceless.

Well being, being so horny, those are the main reasons I can think of other than the standards of strength & size.
Everyone forgot the not getting sore part that is the best part for me!! Not to mention the sex drive and becoming very arrogant!
Doing in 12 weeks what should take 2 years to acheive.

Pumping up so hard you think your pecs are going to burst through the skin.

Being able to always wait 1 minute and get one more set.

The rock hard answer to all my wifes problems.

Looking around and realizing that somehow you are different than everyone else.

Being an achiever instead of an excuse maker.

Oh yeah and getting bigger and stronger;)
Constant horniness. Yesterday at work I had to skip one of my fifteens because I had a hard-on from this girl that was showing her g-string. Yellow panties are my favorite.
I just love the feeling when on. I'm feel euphoric. I can't wait to workout each day because it's going to feel so good.
I like the euphoria, feeling of well being, indestructible super confidence, raging super hard erections!!!! and the excellent pumps...