Whats the furthest you have gone in defense of your lady?


New member
A few years back my chick and I where cruising east on Irving park in chicago two lanes each way. I was 25 in my GT and a car of 21 to 24 year old dudes was next to us in heavy traffic.

Me being 6'3" 245 at the time I was never really intimidated. Anyway the passenger, some 6'6" big ass juice head to the max(dont be offended anyone this kid was abusing the shit) starts yelling at my hot blond 110lb chick you fucking dyke slut whore.

I was simply floored I could not believe it! She saw my reaction and she was like chris no theres 3 of them. I was like fuck that, and I waited till(traffic was rush hour) my car pulled up to theirs and said something like hey you big fat juice head pussy you got something to say he's like yeah your gf is a dyke.

So I responded your big fat ass could never get any!
The two passengers who were smaller appeared not to want any part of this at least I hoped. Since we were nearly stopped from traffic anyway I pulled up put the car in park stopping traffic and called that big motherfucker out. I was scared to be honest but I could not handle it if I had backed down.

I also figured we are defiantely going to go at it cuz there is nowhere to go. So the 350 monster gets out of his car and comes to the front of the car.

I was like ok big mouth now what do you got to say fucker. Lets go you want to go. He was like you swing first and then I knew there was a big pussy under that giant frame. So I kind of bounced arounand back and forth come on you fuckin pussy lets go or shut your fuckin mouth. So he was pretty much shutting his mouth and the cops pulled up.LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLlolololololololol.

They're like what the heck is going on. I said hey man these 3 dudes are threatening me and my old lady in traffic for no reason not even a driving issue.

So the cops pulled us to the side and they were like big boy to the other dude your 100 lbs bigger then him(one of the few times I felt small ever, played 300 plus dudes in college ball) what r u thinking. What is he supposed to do, what if someone starts attacking your old lady what r u going to do?

So they sent us all on our way. Shiller Park, IL cops(I believe) cook county IL where they seem to have the ability to decipher right from wrong and cut through THE FUCKING CHASE! Wonder what they would have done if I'd of decked him though? I mean what are you supposed to do when your being threatened. I way have left it out but he was saying all kinds of shit like your a pussy and I will kick your ass. He turned out to be the pussy.

Morale of the story, sometimes you have to do things your afraid to do and win or lose at least you fought!
some dickhead grabbed my girls tush in a bar last summer. she smacked him but he pushed her down. i wasn't there to defend her and i went on probation for fighting right before then so kickin his ass wasn't an option. i had a buddy ask to take his pic for the sportspage, but i took the pic and posted it on yahoo dating. the funny part is it was in the gay dating section and i even made up an email address with his first and last name in it and corresponded with some gays. i new where he'd be and had these dudes confront him in the bar with his buddies around...
i bet the pic is still there...\
Should of invited him hunting HG! I must be lucky, nonsense like this never happens to me.
as a matter of fact, the fella was supposed to be part of our hunting party(friend of a friend) but for some reason he never showed up. imagine that...
I had some dude that I work with hit on my ex repeatedly. I felt sorry for him in a way since he was the type that didn't have much friends but through some other co-workers, they told me he was going to ask her out in front of me just to piss me off.

To make a long story short, I confronted him and basically said that if you try ANYthing on Amber, I will beat your ass. I didn't beat around the bush or anything else, I just got right to the chase.

A few weeks later he apologized and said he was in the wrong but he had a big crush on her. It doesn't matter if he has a crush on her, he needs to have respect for her and I.

Pretty sad when someone who you work with and talk to everyday will try to fuck you over.

I'm a very laid back guy but I don't put up with people trying to fuck me or a loved one over.
92StangMan said:
Pretty sad when someone who you work with and talk to everyday will try to fuck you over.

I'm a very laid back guy but I don't put up with people trying to fuck me or a loved one over.

That's right man, I completely agree, I am way laid back but if some idiot is going to start shit then I cant put up with it either.

Hunter, that sucks being on probation for fighting. It wasnt a felony was it?
no felony...at first it was felony battery. the dude actually started it but since his ass got wupped they still stuck me with misdemeanor disorderly conduct. at first i was kinda scared cuz that would've meant losing all of my rifles, shotguns and pistols.
a high priced lawyer helped a lot.
Me and my girl left the club one night and as she as getting in the truck her door bumped his ca door.He started cussing her and she just tried to ignore him.I guess that made it worse and he pushed her down.I guess the entire time he thought she was with a chick or something.I came around the back of the truck,and his buds jumped out and started talking shit.They said they were gonna kick my ass,I told them they are some bad ass bitches.Going around fucking with chicks and pushing them around.Well they started to walk around the car and I pulled out a 4' mahogany level from the bed of my truck.The guy that pushed her down to a half swing at me and caught some chin music.One shot he was out cold!:dead: His buds shut the fuck up and went back around the car,my girl started kicking him in the nuts.Then she really surprised me and took the level to his knee caps:dizzy: I had to get her off of him,then she beat the side of his car!Needless to say that level was far from level ever again.
Wasn't my girlfriend at the time, but I don't like anyone disrespecting the lady I am with...

I was hanging out with two hot girls (became a 3some later) - we were on the street lined up to go into a club, when two punk dudes started being very loud and saying what sluts these two chicks had to be to hangin all over me.

I told the guys they were being rude and to kindly shut their mouths. one of the guys did the typical get up in my face crap, so I pushed him back out of my face. He came back with a right swinging at my face. What a moron.

I slipped his punch to the outside, and gave him light rap on the chin as a warning, and said "you'd better stop now". Idiot didn't register that I outclassed him. He did the exact same right punch to my face, so I did the same move and gave him a slightly harder tap on the chin, and said "last chance". So, dickhead tries to kick me with a left roundhouse. I raised my knee, blocked his kick, cross-kicked down onto the knee of the leg he was standing on, and gave him a hard right punch across his jaw on his way down. He was out.

But his friend grabbed my right shoulder, and had his own right hand cocked for a punch. So, I nailed him one shot to the throat - fairly light. Again, I said "Time to cool down, boy". But this guy was a moron, too.. He delivered the same punch. I would have given him a couple chances, but there was a crowd growing and I wanted to leave... so i slipped the punch, grabbed the back of his head, and slammed my right elbow into his face. His nose exploded like a bag of blood and he was spittin chiclets. Down he went.

The 2 girls I was with were crying - and I had to convince them to leave before the cops came. Just as we were leaving, the dudes I dropped came up - bloody as hell - and apologized to us. hahaha.

Never had much like this happen. One time, my first wife and I took our kids to a picnic for the company she was working for. She had been complaining about a guy (slime-bag all the way) who had been hitting on her and wouldn't take no for an answer. He got to the point of comming up behind her and messing with the back of her neck and talking shit.
As we approached a table, I saw him sitting with some other co-workers and his wife. He said hi, like everything was cool, and we were all the best of friends. I walked up to him and told him to leave my wife alone and quit hitting on her at work or I was going to get busy with him. he started to try to deny it, but I told him I didn't care to hear his excuses. Leave her alone or you and I are going to go at it. he shut up and just sat and stared looking real nervous and uncomfortable.
my wife was freaked out. She thought I was going to blast him right there, but I figured that if he stayed sitting down, I'd let it go with a warning.
Turned out that the guys he worked with had had enough of this guy too, and they were all real friendly to me. they said they were glad that nothing went down because they would have felt compelled to jump in on his side, but told me thanks for embarrasing him in front of everyone and his wife.
I'm definately the easiest going person I know, but that shit set me off. The only bad thing was that the ex was pissed at me later for calling him out in front of everyone. After that I told her to not tell me that kind of shit then, 'cause I won't stand for it.
In the end, it turned out she wasn't worth it anyway, running around on me and all, but at least I didn't let some ass-hole disrespect me right in front of me. my kids thought it was funny though so we got to laugh about it.
my current roomie [read that as "wife"] never told me about those dipshits in the bar who grabbed her ass or talked ludely to her since she knew I'd flick on them.....funny, I was about a buck sixty back then and she tells me I'm not shit at two fifty now - WOMEN
When My Girl was 4 months pregnant with our first baby we went to a U2 concert at Giants Stadium, Some Biker type guy Grabbed her ass real deep and hard as we past. She screamed i didn't know what happened, She was going after him and I was holding her, she yelled "He grabbed me bad babe", I'll never forget that. I go blowing threw the very thick crowd and I got grabbed by one then two then five security guards. The fuck kept walking. I calmed down, told the guards that I was rushing to catch a friend I was wrestling around with, talked calm and they said alright just chill out. We walk round to our section and my girl say's there he is, Standing right there in front of us at our section. I told my cousin to take my girl & I lost it, Dragged him down the steps of the aisle, throwing heavy boots into his head till he was limp, then bolted. When my girl/cousin caught up to me later they had found a few friends of ours, we all switched tickets so I didn't have to go back to that section. When they got over there they heard people talking that scumbag was taken on a stretcher. I honestly don't care if he died. You don't play like that, I am sure he had no idea she was pregnant but to me it made a huge difference. Under no cicumstance would it be ok, but that made it alot worse.
Damn , It just dawned on me , I Hope noone here know's a scumbag biker that got jacked up real bad at a U2 concert.
Damn Choke, I understand 100% though.....when the instincts kick in to protect your family, there's no stopping you
Good for you Choke, that piece of dried shit got just what he deserved.