What's your favorite sponsor for human grade?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hey fellas,

I'd like to get some input regarding human grade gear from our sponsored sources. Anyone have any favs? Also, is domestic shipping still around these days?
PM Me Nair, the place I always shout out to is who I'd go with 100%
I hear ya, but UG freaks me out for a number of reasons. I've found that the older I get, the more I appreciate risk aversion.

I understand and I'm not aware of a MC sponsor that carries human grade. Some of these companies actually make more without all the regulations with just as good quality raws

Edit i was meaning some companies could be human grade but they make more money selling underground
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yah Nair, you can barely call Pharmacom an UGL dude.. That's some straight next level shit. I think one of their videos even made me cry. I got all caught up with emotion by seeing the little amps being made and all the machinery and the music. fucking intense.
What's the best way to send secure emails these days? I haven't made an order in more than 5 years. HushMail used to be the rage, but I remember they fell out of favor quite some time ago.
What's the best way to send secure emails these days? I haven't made an order in more than 5 years. HushMail used to be the rage, but I remember they fell out of favor quite some time ago.

securenym is pretty popular but sometimes they don't play well with others. Tutanota is good, and it's free. I would start there so you at last have a secure email and then potentially pay for one later on.

With tutanota you can encrypt emails, but you have to make a password and the other person has to have the password to open it. If you don't want to encrypt an email, when you click new mail and put the persons email in, click the box below that says confidential and make it say Not confidential. It's still secure either way you do it.