Whats your goal?


What goals are everyone working towards right now. For me...women to love me and men to fear me. Im fimding its a long process, lol
shows, lagging body part, weight loss or gain. Just curise to see what everyones working towards, in general.
I'd like to get up 10 pounds and stay lean by the end of the year. Roughly around 11% BF now so if I could gain 10 pounds and stay around the same I'd be happy in 6 months
my new goal is to be in the best shape of my life both muscularity and cardiovascularly
As far as bodybuilding I'm trying to build more fullness and roundness as well as separation in my muscles while keeping my bodyweight as low as possible. I look way bigger and more impressive than I have at any bodyweight and I've been as heavy as 270lbs. I also want to keep my abs as tight and visible as they normally are 8 weeks out.
Getting to 250lbs , so need to put 25lbs of more muscle! Lol filling out my legs , I feel like Johny brovo, lol
My goal is to get back in the gym after my neck fusion surgery! Whish by the way I go today at 4pm to set a date for surgery!

So once healed up my goal is to get back into tip top shape! Im currently sitting at about 290-300lbs and would like to get down to about 270lbs which would make me ripped to the bone as Im 6'3.

Another goal i have is I would like to get my cardio health way way up, and I plan on incorporating some crossfit training as well. My wife has talked me into training with her for crossfit. I dont want to get all skinny and such and dont care to compete in crossfit, i just want to get my endurance back up and train with the wifey a little more!
Need more endurance ! I just can't seem to figure out how.. And it bugs the shit outa me..may not be possible on 6-2 270lb frame.. Don't see too many runners like that..
ive been cutting the past 6 months and almost at my goal of 200lbs in about 2 more months im going to start bulking and hopefully get back to 230 mostly muscle. ive been losing a lot of strength these past 6 months and its really depressing one of my gyms is planet fitness and im not the strongest guy there anymore thats pittyful. i go back and forth i want to be healthy or i want to be huge
Win the overall at a small NPC show in 12 weeks, then take a hard look at my physique and figure out what needs improvement then start back ai it. Right now it's a day in day out struggle to get cardio, and training sessions done plus all my food cooked and eaten. All of that said though, I HAVE to win the overall to justify all of this!!
Im working towards adding 15 more pounds of muscle. Im working towards thickening out my back and adding another 2 inches to my arms.
To make it through this awful diet (it's a love/hate thing) and have some awesome pics taken to show off all my hard work. I'm half way there!
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I want to fckn win shows and be the best goddamn BB I can be!!!!! Why BB and compete and not win a fckn show???? This WIL NOT be me. When I step on stage again I dominate all. And thats not being cocky, thats being confident in my abilities as a BB. Second place is just the first loser. Fck that.
I want to fckn win shows and be the best goddamn BB I can be!!!!! Why BB and compete and not win a fckn show???? This WIL NOT be me. When I step on stage again I dominate all. And thats not being cocky, thats being confident in my abilities as a BB. Second place is just the first loser. Fck that.

I think you're on the right track bro, you've made some nice gains from what I've seen from last year to this year
I want to fckn win shows and be the best goddamn BB I can be!!!!! Why BB and compete and not win a fckn show???? This WIL NOT be me. When I step on stage again I dominate all. And thats not being cocky, thats being confident in my abilities as a BB. Second place is just the first loser. Fck that.

easy with the F-bombs bro, son of biscuit and five eggs brotha.
Now that I've almost completely quit smoking, I've changed mine, I wanna get into better cardio vascular shape. It's been to long since I've had good cardio strength
I'm a little late to the party, but I want to add some size to legs (esp. calves), shoulders, arms. Add some depth to my back. I'd like to be a force in Figure in the coming years.