What's your preferred Proviron dose?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Thinking of grabbing some Proviron on this next run, was figuring about 25mg's per day, what do most of you bros run it at?
50mg every day my self right now.but i do think mine is underdosed at the moment..ive had results from 25mg..i think over 50 can start getting a bit pricey...that reminds me i forgot my daily dose cheers swole.
one good thing i will say about runing it at 50mg is i dont seems to get any sides from my aas..not took any anti e since the start of my cycle and running 1 gram a week..any one esle think proviron help reduce sides??
I used it at 50 and had tremendous results! Sex drive through the roof on my tren cycle!

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cool, I remembered most ran it at 50 didn't know since I had never used it if 25mg would do much, Ill go ahead and start the 50 when I get it. I think it will be great add on for my last month or so of my prop and into my cruise.
i run 50 i would run more but its too expensive ... but don't worry 25 is fine to start.. u can bump it up ur next cycle its not that big of a deal just enjoy the ride
50 on cruise, 100 on cycle. 100+ is where I notice actual effects on the look of my muscle. Hardness etc. 50mg is more of a therapeutic dose for feeling great and increased libido.
I used @ 25mg per day on a cycle, and I enjoyed it. Would have loved it at a higher dose. I think 50-75mg would be a great dose.
50 mg , 25 mg would do the trick but won't be that effective depends for what Ur using it for just to get more free test circulating in body 50 is enough if Ur looking for some serious gain on it I would invest rather on masteron prop 500-700 mg per week
i have never taken proviron , but know a bro who swears by it and he is a beast