Iron Game

Gold Member
When you get sick in the middle of a cycle.

We are in the middle of flu season. I figure this article can help if you get sick mid steroid cycle and still want to maximize your results/usage. It happened to me it can happen to anyone.

Bill Roberts

Q: “What should I do if I get sick during a cycle and can’t train properly or my body obviously just doesn’t have the energy to gain? If I decide to cut the cycle short, should I continue to at least use something, maybe a lower dose, to avoid losing my gains? I don’t have any pressing date that I have to be ready for in the next few months.”

A: I wouldn’t change plans when an illness likely will have you down for only a few days, but I’d end the cycle if it’s likely to be about a week or more.
As mentioned so many times, ending a cycle early allows the next cycle to start earlier, completely compensating for the change in schedule. It’s not really a loss at all. You could start the next cycle as soon as you’ve completed the same number of weeks “off” that you had been “on,” or if you wish to be more conservative, twice that time. This will be much sooner than would be the case if you’d continued the cycle despite the illness. You won’t be setting yourself back overall.

If your testosterone was good before the cycle and the cycle length has been fairly short, such as 8 weeks or less, in most cases recovery will be good simply from using a SERM as PCT. (The most common choices are Clomid or Nolvadex.)

However, if and only if you suspect recovery of natural testosterone might be slow, then I’d suggest also using in PCT either HCG or low-dose testosterone, such as 100 mg/week.

This is because we don’t want the immune system adversely affected by testosterone dropping too low.

Intermediate steroid doses – not enough for real gains, yet too much for recovery of the HPTA – are a waste of your time. Either be on-cycle, or in recovery. Whatever muscle loss may occur while ill will be easily recovered on regaining health. Again, ending steroid use earlier will allow restarting earlier, and this will be much more productive than trying to avoid losses while ill.

In short, optimize your usage. And using anabolic steroids while down and unable to train is not optimizing usage.
Good advice on not changing plans if your down for a few days or even a week. However so much deals with what your taking and how long somebody has been on. I have been 10 weeks into a 1g cyp plan before and came down with the flu. Because of the compound and knowing my blood levels are at max peak, I just skipped the next 2 weeks and took enough time off from the gym until I felt better. However if this happened on something like prop I would have stopped and started PCT.
I like to stay on and use the rebound effect. When I am sick, I eat almost nothing. I do try to get the best quality protein possible and a some BCAA every couple of hours. That said when you are eating 300-700 cal. when you come back and really start eating and can train. The body is primed to make some serious gains.