Where is all the IGF info?

what the hell is going on, i one fucking week, lots of mods left, cyber sol went under, and now this, what is going on?
I have no idea what happened to the igf forum here, Ill go check in the admin center fellas
Must be a way to get some of that stuff back. A computer expert would know..... Even when you delete stuff there is always a way to dig and get the info.
yeah i just mailed my guy he might be able to retreive it, they deleted the entire lab forum as well,lol, time to show everyone these idiots photos
Also, you can retrieve some stuff by typing in "musclechemistry.com igf" on google and getting the cached version of some threads --- especially if you some some keywords to search for.
For ex, here is one: http://www.google.ca/search?q=cache...lechemistry.com+igf+praetorian&hl=en&ie=UTF-8[/url]


Desperate I know, but if you can't retrieve anything, we can start posted a few cached versions.

hmmmm pretty smart... for a girl... ;-) :thumbsup:
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Presser said:
yeah i just mailed my guy he might be able to retreive it, they deleted the entire lab forum as well,lol, time to show everyone these idiots photos

Man that is all F'd up! What a bunch of A- Holes! That IGF-1 thread had some of the best info on the net! I say, post the photos! Sorry to hear all this...bad dam apples.
Kind of sounds like a dumb (real stupid ) thing to do. I mean If a person were pissed of enough and new the mailing address of the offending parties all a person would have to do is to place an order for some percocette or nubaine from some company in cyerspace, make just one dea phone call and well, the rest as they say is a prison rape seen.
I still have much if not all of the info from the old site. I could type it all up and post what I have if everyone wants. I don't know if presser knows if he will be able to retrieve it or not so someone let me know and I can post the info again.

bro if u can i would realy appreciate it, there was no reason for them to do this and i thank u if u can help me out with the info
also to add....

well i hope this does not sound too arrogant, but i have been researching with LongR3 and rIGF-1 for over four years and know researchers who have been doing research with it even longer and amongst them some who have PhDs in the related sciences so if anyone has any questions they want definitvely (nothing is 100% definitive but i assure you that the pool of knowledge i have at my disposal is the greatest there is by far) answered feel free