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[h=1]Which Steroid Has the Least Side Effects?[/h]

Steroid With the Least Side Effects?
Q: I have not taken steroids yet, but I see friends using them and making great gains. I have decided I don't want to stay natural forever. I want to try steroids at least one time. But I am not sure what to buy for my first cycle. What I really want to know is, what steroid has the least side effects? I’m a 25-year-old male with seven years training.
The answer to this question really depends on what you mean by side effects. As you likely know, there are many potential areas of concern here. In my experience, people are generally focused on one of several specific things. With this in mind, I’ll break down my personal nonmedical opinions in these key areas.
Balding: I’d say I get more questions from men concerned about losing their hair than about any other side effect. Most guys get into anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) with an interest on improving their aesthetics. This usually doesn’t involve a desire to trade hair for muscles, of course. The bad news is that if you are genetically prone to hair loss, ALL anabolic steroids can potentially accelerate the process. It is mediated by the same receptor that controls muscle growth, after all. Some drugs are milder than others, though. Nandrolone, oxandrolone and methenolone come to mind. But none are benign in this regard. The good news is that if you are NOT genetically prone to hair loss, AAS use is unlikely to give you a head like Bruce Willis. Figuring out if you have similar “head genetics” as Mr. Willis is a more complex discussion I’ll leave for another time.
Gyno: Gynecomastia is another cosmetic issue, but like hair loss, scares a lot of people. Most men don’t want to grow breasts. Those who do, I suspect try to find more efficient means. This side effect is specifically linked to a steroid’s level of estrogenicity. Testosterone, Anadrol and Dianabol are the biggest offenders here. Many other AAS can’t convert or act as an estrogen, though— such as Anavar, Primobolan and Winstrol. Others still can convert to estrogen, but are still generally milder, like Equipoise and nandrolone. And then you have a collection of modern anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors, which can be used to mitigate the issue of estrogen quite well. With this side effect, drug choice is everything.

Liver: Hepatotoxicity is a fancy word for liver toxicity. Most of us have heard about those rare cases where AAS abuse has led to serious issues with liver damage or cancer. The important thing to know here is that this side effect is largely related to oral anabolic steroids … drugs that have been chemically modified to survive first-pass metabolism through the liver. Drugs like Anadrol, Anavar, Dbol and Winstrol stand out here. A few orals aren’t really liver toxic, like Andriol and Primobolan. But these are also very weak, and not commonly used. In comparison, injectable AAS like testosterone, nandrolone, boldenone and methenolone are quite strong, and not regarded as appreciably liver toxic.
Cardiovascular: Steroids can negatively influence your cholesterol values, blood pressure and several other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This is a risk inherent with AAS abuse, though some drugs are better or worse than others. The testosterones tend to be the least troublesome here, as they provide both androgens and estrogens to the body. The latter sex steroids are important to HDL (good) cholesterol management in both men and women. The most problematic tend to be the orals. Any AAS that displays appreciable hepatotoxicity is likely to also be pretty harsh on your hepatic cholesterol management, as well as other cardiovascular disease risk factors.
There you have my quick rundown of common areas of concern. Of course, these side effects are not exclusive, and all nonmedical AAS use carries with it measurable risk. With that stated, I hope you found the information helpful. As I commonly recommend to readers, it is best to be slow and careful in your decisions, and always make sure health stays as one of your primary concerns.

About the Author:
William Llewellyn
I have a family history of heart disease and VERY high LDL and Triglycerides. Been on statins for 11 years since turning 40.
I did a 30 bottle of Epidrol once like 5 years ago, my lipids and liver enzymes were so high, he (Doc) thought his machine was broken.

Been on Test-E for the last year straight (no orals), lipids and liver was the best its ever been (199 total cholesterol, high HDL, low trig's and LDL, great ratios, and ALT/AST right in middle of normal, etc.)
Orals are the most hard obviously, I dont think I will (or can) do them again. Im prone, so very bad news for me.
I have a family history of heart disease and VERY high LDL and Triglycerides. Been on statins for 11 years since turning 40.
I did a 30 bottle of Epidrol once like 5 years ago, my lipids and liver enzymes were so high, he (Doc) thought his machine was broken.

Been on Test-E for the last year straight (no orals), lipids and liver was the best its ever been (199 total cholesterol, high HDL, low trig's and LDL, great ratios, and ALT/AST right in middle of normal, etc.)
Orals are the most hard obviously, I dont think I will (or can) do them again. Im prone, so very bad news for me.

Orals aren’t needed to get huge, and have a beautiful physique! So im with you brutha!

My doctor just called me last week or rather one of the nurses to tell me the dr said to eat better as my cholesterol was a 30 and normal ranges were 41 up, and God knows I could use some conditioning! Hell I can’t remember last time I was on a treadmill, elliptical , or a bike lol, as I always stayed lean and conditioned through how I trained, but age has started to catch up with my ass!
I hear ya Presser... I need to do more cardio, not extreme, just 20 mins. 4x a week is fine for me.
As we age, what goes on inside is the most important... (While still being as jacked as we can) :)
I hear ya Presser... I need to do more cardio, not extreme, just 20 mins. 4x a week is fine for me.
As we age, what goes on inside is the most important... (While still being as jacked as we can) :)

Thanks for the info! Do you think is safe to do a first cycle after 40?
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I hear ya Presser... I need to do more cardio, not extreme, just 20 mins. 4x a week is fine for me.
As we age, what goes on inside is the most important... (While still being as jacked as we can) :)

If yes, what else would you consider safe other than Test?
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Thanks for the info! Do you think is safe to do a first cycle after 40?

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I did my 1st cycle at age 50, after 38 years of training Natty, so yes, depending on the cycle, it can (and should) be very safe.
Keep it to a minimum beginners cycle...

I did my 1st cycle at age 50, after 38 years of training Natty, so yes, depending on the cycle, it can (and should) be very safe.
Keep it to a minimum beginners cycle...

Thank you, I was thinking about using 1cc of Test E for my first cycle.
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Thank you, I was thinking about using 1cc of Test E for my first cycle.

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Actually from all the questions you just posted about running EQ for 6 months and by itself means you have no idea what you’re doing, You need to do more research on steroid compounds, their side effects and the different esters that can be attached to them. But most likely you’ll just do whatever you can buy as fast as you can. Cuz your posts scream I’m ready to buy whatever.
Actually from all the questions you just posted about running EQ for 6 months and by itself means you have no idea what you’re doing, You need to do more research on steroid compounds, their side effects and the different esters that can be attached to them. But most likely you’ll just do whatever you can buy as fast as you can. Cuz your posts scream I’m ready to buy whatever.

Jajaja, you are joking right?
“But most likely you’ll just do whatever you can buy as fast as you can. Cuz your posts scream I’m ready to buy whatever”
Is this one of the side effects of high estrogen? I have some ai’s if you can’t find yours. You made me laugh Scooby.

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Jajaja, you are joking right?
“But most likely you’ll just do whatever you can buy as fast as you can. Cuz your posts scream I’m ready to buy whatever”
Is this one of the side effects of high estrogen? I have some ai’s if you can’t find yours. You made me laugh Scooby.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What’s estrogen and ai’s, also whose Scooby? [emoji848]
Hmmm...imho its individual, didnt get any sideefects, atleast not physical, from anything, tried npp,tren,and mast(but think it was bunk, no hairloss or anything) but i do get bad sides from any oral, so i stay away from those, both winny and tbol made my troaght feeling like someone is pouring acid in there, also my kidneys started to hurt after 2weeks, and joint pain on winny was awfull, managed 2 take it only 4weeks, meant to do 6 but couldnt bare it..
Tren effected my sleep at 200mgs a week, but on NPP at 250 a week, nothing.. as far as acne, hairlos, oily skin etc, i dont get that from anything..
But 2 be honest, test is the best, test only with a good diet goes a long long way..
i'd say anyone, regardless of age, that hasn't tried any steroids yet, should do their in depth research. i mean look up everything you can. then if you're still interested in trying something, then by all means try something that is not too big of a gamble to start. imo, just do a cycle with some form of testosterone only, with nothing else. what turned into my first cycle at 58 y/o was var and sus. i did 50mg var ed and 250mg sus twice a week for 8 weeks. i had low-t when i started, and it was a good cycle. i still do trt and prefer sus over the other forms, but that's a personal preference.
i wouldn't do a cycle with tren, hex, anadrol, or some of the harsher steroids until you've gotten a few cycles in.
also, if you want to find out how well you will tolerant various compounds, use them in short esters. that way you can get it to clear you system much quicker should problems arise. as with anything, even the most unlike things can have a negative effect.
i'd say anyone, regardless of age, that hasn't tried any steroids yet, should do their in depth research. i mean look up everything you can. then if you're still interested in trying something, then by all means try something that is not too big of a gamble to start. imo, just do a cycle with some form of testosterone only, with nothing else. what turned into my first cycle at 58 y/o was var and sus. i did 50mg var ed and 250mg sus twice a week for 8 weeks. i had low-t when i started, and it was a good cycle. i still do trt and prefer sus over the other forms, but that's a personal preference.
i wouldn't do a cycle with tren, hex, anadrol, or some of the harsher steroids until you've gotten a few cycles in.
also, if you want to find out how well you will tolerant various compounds, use them in short esters. that way you can get it to clear you system much quicker should problems arise. as with anything, even the most unlike things can have a negative effect.

Train your mind is what I always say lol

One or two compounds at a time for beginners as you said to understand how you respond to them for future references