Who has the courage to.......


New member
Post a pic in the new Critical Assessment Forum??

I would really appreciate it if one of the members would step up and be the first one to post their pic for critical assessment to get that forum rolling......

And remember.... This will not be a flame fest.... there will be no flaming..... Just Constructive Criticism to help you better your physique!

Whoever makes the first post in there can Officially be my friend for the day!!!! :eek: Yep thats right.... a whole day...... I know you all want to have that.... so get posting..... :D
Crank PMed me asking me to post naked pics in there too for his personal assesment. lol. j/k

I'll put some up this weekend. I don't care...I need someone to motivate me and tell me the truth...right now the only person pushing me is myself (which is good regardless)....but sometimes that isn't enough. ya know?

You need that guy (or gal) to say give me one more...or if you did this you could acheive these results.

The critical assesment forum is to help people not rip them apart. I know how hard it is to have someone point out your weaknesses but in the end its the only way to grow stronger and work past them.
hey Bigger, cant you just walk the street out there in the Bay area, and get all the crtisim you want from other guys? Id be glad to crritique you but it might not be the same as you could get out yhere! lol

And Crank, PLEASE dont do any nude posing for us....PLEASE?

This board sometimes gets a little fruity, huh?

I may post sometime very soon, but then again....
sweatmachine said:
hey Bigger, cant you just walk the street out there in the Bay area, and get all the crtisim you want from other guys? Id be glad to crritique you but it might not be the same as you could get out yhere! lol

And Crank, PLEASE dont do any nude posing for us....PLEASE?

This board sometimes gets a little fruity, huh?

I may post sometime very soon, but then again....

Well then quite PM'ing me for pics of my bare ass......

FRUITY?? Whatever do you mean?