Who here has not used muscle chemistry IGF?

i have never used IGF but when i get the money for it im going MC IGF because everyone claims great results. Last week i thought about order des from ergopep because it is cheaper but i want the best bang for my buck and think MC IGF can help with lagging bodyparts like my biceps and legs also my shoulder has been bothering me and hope it can help with that.
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i have never used IGF but when i get the money for it im going MC IGF because everyone claims great results. Last week i thought about order des from ergopep because it is cheaper but i want the best bang for my buck and think MC IGF can help with lagging bodyparts like my biceps and legs also my shoulder has been bothering me and hope it can help with that.

let us know when ur ready and we'll take extra care of ya brutha
I honestly have no idea why anyone on this planet would not want to try MC IGF. This shit the nector of the gods!!!!!!
I dont really know that much about it...obviously thats my fault bc im sure all the info and more is here and avail...someday i'll read up on it and get some i guess
There's plenty of info on it around here. It's not as complicated as AAS in my opinion, there's a lot less to know actually. It's the best stuff I've ever tried and I've tried at least 5-8 other IGF brands and have found NOTHING that compares
If you haven't, you're fuckin missin out. I've always had great results from it.
Haven't tried it yet, but then it just came in *today* :)

Hoping to experience the joys of this compound that everyone raves about.

If it does what I hope, and what people claim, well, I'll be a repeat customer, that's for sure.

It helped a lot with tendon pain and swelling, but made the biggest impact during pct. I was able to keep all but a couple of pounds and most of my strength throughout my pct. Right now I apply pre workout to the muscle being trained.
Haven't tried it yet, but then it just came in *today* :)

Hoping to experience the joys of this compound that everyone raves about.

If it does what I hope, and what people claim, well, I'll be a repeat customer, that's for sure.


Keep us updated brutha! Im sure you will enjoy it
It helped a lot with tendon pain and swelling, but made the biggest impact during pct. I was able to keep all but a couple of pounds and most of my strength throughout my pct. Right now I apply pre workout to the muscle being trained.

Yeah i have bridged with it as well and kept my gains, but i prefer it with a cycle for sure.