who here has taken equipose??

i'd think most people have used it. any way vascularity is the perk of eq imo. also hunger for most people but i never have that prob any how. the vascularity seems to pretty much stay.
Presser said:
make my joints feel tight but yeah good other then that

I've also heard that it messed with some guys like that.
You know it is good for the Ligiments too. I like it.

Equipoise is a muscle hardening drug. It is used in conjuction with other steroids to either mass or cut on. Equipoise is a long acting drug and should be used in long cycles.

The drawback to Eq is that it will make you tight and that strains, and tears can occur. Highly advise that you stretch good while using Eq.
I try to include it in every cycle. good stacked with test and tren. I have tried it alone also just to see what it does. I didn't get much for strength gains, mild weight increase and increased vascularity. It adds quality muscle just not much strength...for me anyway
Boldenone is a good safe drug with very little side effects. It does not aromatize much if at all. It stimulates the production of erythropotein (epo) in the kidneys which signals the body to produce more red blood cells~~good for endurance.
I have used it several times.. to me it is a pretty mild aas mg/mg although some literature claims that it is more anabolic than deca which i think is not accurate. It gives you a hard vascular look.
The vascularity increases do seem to stick around, i have veins that appeared while on eq that never left.
Stacked with test you will good strength increaes.
I am on it for the first time - my lst 2 cycels were deca and the last one included winny also. all three have had test at about 400-600

curretnly I am on 400 eq and 600 test and am increasing it to 600/600

I have had almost no sides. a little gyno from the test early on but gone with nolva and ldex.

I have pretty good vasc with the eq - but no high bp. currently 119 over 74

I dont feel all bloated and bound up like on deca - my strength has not gained like on deca either. I could do 375 last fall on deca / test / winny and eating everything in site.

now I am doing about 315 - but I am watching the diet and have not gained a pound - but have leaned out 3% bf - so i replaced fat for muscle.

its really a nice and easy one to use - no anger - no bloat - can still tie my shoes - lol

I dont feel like I am damaging my body - just feeling very good and super in shape. hardening out some as well.

I highly recommend it for rr bb's and for long term use. I am on it now for 8 weeks out of 6 months cycle.

2 thumbs up.
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great stuff, crazy vascularity, good appitite, agree, not as strong as deca though many claim to be,less bloat though. would run longer rather than high ammounts, I've run it anywhere from 600mg/week to 1200mg/week, would take 600mg for 10+ over stronger for less time...
It seems like I have to take about 800mgs EW to notice any kind of results. But when I upped the dose, it was nice.
So whats a good recommended dose guys that will see good gains and great results within a shortest time period. EQ is great but its a slow steady gain process and I never did over 600mgs a week and it took almost a month to see anything on it along with winny is a different story the results were outstanding!6
I have no science to back this up. Only personal experience. I used a kit to make test prop from the vet pellets a few years ago. The kit didn't work( I followed everything to the letter). The estrogen wasn't filtered out enough so I ended up for the first time with some gyno. It went away after the cycle was done but it left me with a slight problem. From that point on, every time I did a cycle( fina, deca, test cyp ), I get gyno. It always went away after the cycle was over but it got a bit worse during each cycle. Last year I added EQ to the cycle. Guess what? No more gyno. For some reason it blocks it on as little as 100mg a week. Take my experience for what it is. If you have gyno problems with the gear I mentioned, EQ will probably block it for you too.
Strange, EQ seems to give me more problems with gyno, I used it twice and I don't think I will touch EQ again.