who here packs food for the day


MuscleChemistry member
I do now that Im dieting. I bring 4-5 meals with me. Just sucks because my nights are spent in the kitchen.
I either carry food around or end up stopping every 3 hours to get something to eat.
I try to keep stuff like beef jerky and protein shakes in easy access. If Im going somewhere I cook extra the night before. Grilled chicken yesterday and pork tenderloin which gets transformed into something the next day like topping for a salad.
I used to, but now that I have a more stable work schedule, I can work around it. I still love the pre-cooked frozen chicken that I get because once it thaws, I'm good to go
all day everyday...gotta do it...if you want it done right...you do it yourself...alot of people have this problem...they want to be big, but yet they cant get the eating habit down...They train there ass off, take gear, ect, ect...(spend money on gear, supplements, and gym fee's, ect) but yet wont eat enough food...that just kills me...LOL ~~~!!!
im home from 730am to 3pm so i get alot of meals in at home

when i head to work there is a cluck u chicken by my job, i usually get the guy to make me chicken breats and brownrice with beans

so answer is no not usually... im spoiled :-)

I tried to start a thread a few weeks ago where we list the foods we find easy to cook and carry. It didnt go anywhere. Also where you get them at the best prices. I have learned that people will skimp and be cheap on gear/supps but eating clean is expensive. Good lean beef, beef jerky and such isn't cheap. So if you guys want, bring on your favorite foods and maybe list there protein/carb content. Im sure Chris and nuk have a menu or favs they stick to. I do get sick of the chicken/rice/yams. I am trying to mix it up to increase my food intake by increasing the pleasure of eating.
I mix it by making for about two days at a time with rotisseire chicken, sausage, different meats.
Most often times I just get the majority of my cooking done on the weekends. That way I can freeze half, and keep 3 days worth in the fridge at all times and run a rotation from there. It sure helps with not having to spend my evenings cooking.
Pardon for being off subject, but yes, I'll pack 4 meals in my cooler for the day.
6 meals here. everynight after dinner i cook my 3 meals for the next day and get 2 shakes ready for the next day. Pretty much a 1 hour each day just cooking.
I do now that Im dieting. I bring 4-5 meals with me. Just sucks because my nights are spent in the kitchen.

same here, my ol'lady helps me out alot too. i work 630 am to 430 pm, i have to. i pack at least 4-5 big meals with me. every one at work makes fun of me, they call me the stomach, i love to eat and i love to body build. my too favorite thing in the world next to sex.