Who is doing any/some Crossfit Training???


Staff member
Just curious who all has tryed Crossfit training? I like watching it on ESPN, and think its pretty cool! The chicks are jacked up nice!
I've went to the crossfit gym a few times. Not my thing call me shallow but I workout to get big. My sister inlaw is ate up with it. Between crossfit and paleo she's lost like 30lbs. She looks great! On the other hand her hubby and his 2 brothers are crossfitters and they have the same build as most crackheads. It seems like more of a chick thing to me.
Yeah I think alot of chicks are into it for sure and that's how I got thinking about it as my wife wants to do something new and this seems to be it. I think I will maybe try it with her once my neck is better. Maybe just a workout per week for me, maybe two. We'll see though I'll prolly hate it , but the wife doesn't want to go to the crossfit centers or gyms, I think she wants to do it herself at the park with me.
I did it for 4-5 weeks and its challenging because I am not used to high intense training and running ect. I enjoyed it cause it kicked my ass, however I separated my shoulder doing it.

Doing high intensity training like Crossfit where you quickly go from exercise to exercise and you are trying to beat a clock or another person you lose sight of form in doing an exercise. I was being careless and fucked up my shoulder. In the last 10 weeks I worked shoulders once and It was hard to press 95 pounds over my head in a regular military press. I wake up every morning in pain.

I am getting regular massage therapy and I am taking igf in the shoulder to help speed things along.

Having said all of that, Crossfit is no joke. It will get you in shape.
I've been wanting to do it also, kind of intimidated to be quite honest. I know my cardio is severely weak so I know it'll nearly kill me
Just curious who all has tryed Crossfit training? I like watching it on ESPN, and think its pretty cool! The chicks are jacked up nice!

I was watching this on ESPN a few weeks ago at the gym- The Reebok Cross Fit Challenge.
Wow- the things they have to do- the push sled, hanging sit ups, upside down push ups- just amazing stuff!
The women aren't big but they are strong as hell!!!
I was watching this on ESPN a few weeks ago at the gym- The Reebok Cross Fit Challenge.
Wow- the things they have to do- the push sled, hanging sit ups, upside down push ups- just amazing stuff!
The women aren't big but they are strong as hell!!!

Yes that what I watched and the women were perfectly built for the most part. I also seen some guys who looked great! I think the winner for men had a great body!
I just hate those weird pull up they do. Like people that are into it for real, like the ones on TV, they are cool but the wanna be people kill it for me.

I am impressed by their pros though and I want to try it out but I really want to be able to squat 500lbs a lot more lol
I just hate those weird pull up they do. Like people that are into it for real, like the ones on TV, they are cool but the wanna be people kill it for me.

I am impressed by their pros though and I want to try it out but I really want to be able to squat 500lbs a lot more lol

Lol good point
Presser, you still doing pilates ? How about the aerobics class--is that still your thang?
I think he's into Richard Simmons videos. He was talking about wearing red white and blue short shorts and wrist bands a little while ago
Presser, you still doing pilates ? How about the aerobics class--is that still your thang?

If I get a little bigger and lean out a good bit I will do those. A muscular man in a class full of lovely ladies...not a bad idea if you ask me!

Except the whole sweaty lady part smell that is :p
Try saying that while running a healthy dose of test/tren. Shit, the sweaty lady smell become the best part lol!

Man I sweat all the freaking time and it pisses me off. I swore I hate the smell of ball sweat and can't stand it anymore. You know the smell. I've found out that a lot of people don't actually know what that smell is so when they smell like it they think it's something else.

I actually found out they make anti-perspirant for balls and shit. shit you not! Kinda want to try it since I live in freaking TX in 110degress temperature and 90% humidity.
I just got back from New Zealand, crossfit is going off over there, Rugby players (think All Blacks if you guys know them?) are getting into it, peak endurance with strength and I think the lack of form is similar the game situations so it's really gaining a following.
Still luv this quote tho:
"has that guy got really bad form or is he just doing Crossfit?"