who is off right now?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Just wondering who is off there cycles at the moment. I know its probley the worst time in the world. Everyone wants to look amazing for the summer. But me personally, with all the family/ travel time/ this is when i go off.
naww down to 500mg's of sust. a week, throwing in some winny in about 3 weeks. After that ill decide if im going to come off or stay hrt.
thanks for the replies! good to see im not the only one.... I cant say it sucks, i really dont feel much different, minus my bp is down.
I've been bridging for 10 - 12 weeks at 200mg a week. Just hurt myself a couple says ago so add another 2 weeks or more until I can do my next monster.... well lean monster.
what r u bridging with?

200mg of cyp a week and 100mg of Tren EOD. Between the depression, aggression and insatiable sex drive I'm a hot mess.... and now I'm hurt and can't train for a bit so my mood will be 10 times worse.
200mg of cyp a week and 100mg of Tren EOD. Between the depression, aggression and insatiable sex drive I'm a hot mess.... and now I'm hurt and can't train for a bit so my mood will be 10 times worse.
You'll be back in there before you know it, kid! Keep your head up. (NO, that was not a reference to the insatiable sex drive). :laugh: